A new law set to take effect on June 1st will help to make working conditions a little safer for those that work in British Columbia's emergency service occupations.
As of June first, motorists travelling past stopped emergency vehicles which have their flashing lights activated will be expected to reduce their speed.
The new law requires drivers to slow down to 70 km/h if on a highway with a speed of 80 km/h or greater, to slow down to 40 km/h if on a road or highway with a speed limit of less than 80 km/h. Additionally, drivers are required to move into another lane of traffic if it is safe to do so.
We are still expected to pull over when safe, when emergency vehicles are in transit to an emergency call, the new law is designed to highlight awareness of emergency worker personnel and the need to be cautious when travelling in areas where they are at work. It is in force for such vehicles as Police cars, Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Tow Trucks and Commercial vehicle inspection vehicles, with a list of others as well from forestry rangers to conservation officers.
Failure to abide by the new regulations will prove to be costly, penalties include a fine of $148 dollars (if paid within 30 days) or $173 dollars if you wait past the thirty days, in addition to the monetary fine you will have three points assessed against your driving record.
As of June first, motorists travelling past stopped emergency vehicles which have their flashing lights activated will be expected to reduce their speed.
The new law requires drivers to slow down to 70 km/h if on a highway with a speed of 80 km/h or greater, to slow down to 40 km/h if on a road or highway with a speed limit of less than 80 km/h. Additionally, drivers are required to move into another lane of traffic if it is safe to do so.
We are still expected to pull over when safe, when emergency vehicles are in transit to an emergency call, the new law is designed to highlight awareness of emergency worker personnel and the need to be cautious when travelling in areas where they are at work. It is in force for such vehicles as Police cars, Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Tow Trucks and Commercial vehicle inspection vehicles, with a list of others as well from forestry rangers to conservation officers.
Failure to abide by the new regulations will prove to be costly, penalties include a fine of $148 dollars (if paid within 30 days) or $173 dollars if you wait past the thirty days, in addition to the monetary fine you will have three points assessed against your driving record.
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