Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yet another change to the Daily News website

Amateur historians and armchair archivists will have to return back to the days of the clip and save, should they have any desire to save the works of George T, Monica, Patrick et al.

Once again the Daily News has reworked its on line presentation, this time to a less user friendly version than that of a few weeks ago.

This latest edition of the online version of the Daily News only provides for only four days of archive material. If you're looking for something of interest from over a week ago, it would seem you'll be off to the Library to make some photo copies as the current version of the online service offers no search or depository of past items.

The latest version seems like a large step backwards from the previous attempt, both in visual display and content, perhaps its  still a work in progress, but for the moment it certainly is much less than their online presence could be. While not perfect, the previous version of the on line portal provided for a helpful archive of the events of the region, something that seems at the moment to be missing from the current design.

Unfortunately the Daily offers no explanation for yet another change to their on line efforts, something that would at least be informative (kind of the purpose of a newspaper) for those that like to check their website from time to time to see what's new with the paper's   efforts.

Followers of this blog will also find that this new version offers up some challenges, the change has also played havoc with many of our past links to previous stories, some of which have seemingly disappeared completely. A situation that leaves much of the paper's past work floating around somewhere out in that digital universe, out of reach of Podunkians looking for some background on the issues of the day.

For the blog , this is an unfortunate side effect of the latest change, but one we're pretty sure that the Daily News isn't particularly worried about...