Sunday, August 08, 2010

Salmon season in southern waters proving to be positive

While fishermen and plant workers on the North coast face another disappointing season, the picture on the Fraser River is looking better than it has in a long time.

The seiners were out in the Johnstone Strait last week,  hauling in and delivering their first catches in over four years.

DFO in Vancouver gave the fleet the green light to take to the waters on Thursday, with the anticipation of between 7 and 11 million returning sockeye this season.

The returning bounty for this year, should make for an interesting discussion point when the Commission of Inquiry created by the Federal Conservatives begins its deliberations later this summer. The commission of inquiry led by Mr. Justice Bruce Cohen,  has been tasked to probe the disappearance of nearly 10 million fish last year

While the prospects for those on the south coast appear to be a little brighter this summer, for their fellow workers on the north coast things are looking grim,  last week Prince Rupert councillor and local  UFAWU representative Joy Thorkelson called for disaster relief for workers on the North coast, after yet another bad season for fishing in our waters.

The Northern View-- Prince Rupert councillor pushing for disaster relief in the wake of disastrous fishing season
CFTK TV 7 News-- North Coast Commercial Fishing gone from bad to worse

Considering the ongoing concerns over the Skeena fishery and the impact that it's fortunes have on the north coast economy, one wonders if the terms of reference for Mr. Cohen should not be expanded and include norther issues as well.

CBC -- Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery opens
The Tyee-- Fraser River salmon run twice as large as predicted
BC Local News-- More fishing okayed as sockeye run strengthens 
Vancouver Sun-- Fraser sockeye fishery opens Fraser River sockeye salmon run looking promising

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