Tuesday, January 02, 2007

You say Obama, I say Osama, let's call the whole thing off.

It's almost something that could be turned into a musical. In what is becoming a rather common occurrence at CNN these days, the network once again has had to apologize for a "mis-speak or was that a mis-type" of one of it's news personnel.

This time a heavy hitter had to offer up the mea culpas, as the normally solid, reliable and polished Wolf Blitzer of the Situation Room mistakenly promoted an upcoming feature on the search for Osama bin Laden, as the search for Obama.

Blaming a typographical error, which apparently sees the b and s keys at CNN closer together than on most keyboards, CNN quickly fell over themselves to offer up apologies to the Democrat from Illinois , a man who apparently didn't know he was missing and who many feel is a serious contender for the Democratic nomination for President in 2008.

Besides Blitzer himself who planned on phoning Barack Obama with his I'm sorrows, CNN had their news hawkers busy this morning offering up their apologies for the gaffe.

The rather unfortunate glitch comes on the heels of some Republicans making much of Obama's middle name of Hussein, hoping against hope that some of the negativity of the recently deceased despot of Baghdad might stick to the mantle of Mr. Obama.

Somewhere, you sense that Karl Rove was having a good belly laugh at the expense of the supposedly liberal leaning CNN..

Perhaps CNN might wish to add an apologies and retraction section to their website, especially if they insist on running up the errors on the error board.

Either that or maybe change their Network ID to Fox. Where they claim to be fair, balanced and perhaps even able to type.

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