Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hey Bill, where's my laptop?

I'm sure it got lost in the mail, things are rather slow at this time of the year. Microsoft is making an attempt to be nice to bloggers, by providing many new laptops loaded with the new Vista operating system.

It was seen as a way to get some positive buzz on the new system from the normally hard to please computer using community. However, as is normally the case with these kinds of approaches, it wasn't long before the blogging world reacted in horror, at the prospect of being bribed.

90 Acer Ferrari computers, containing the Vista system were sent out to bloggers who write about technology, photography and parenting in hopes of generating some positive vibes about the new system.

Microsoft sent out follow up e mails to the lucky 90 asking them to return the laptops or give them to someone else after they've evaluated the new system. Though they then suggested that what the first wave of recipients did with their gifts was entirely up to them.

Mindful of their place as the omnipresent computing Giant that they are they must be careful about image. They certainly wouldn't want to risk the wrath of another deity that has power, Microsoft didn't want to be tagged with the line, "Microsoft giveth and they can taketh away."

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