Monday, November 02, 2009

A new voice to the North of us

There's a new entry in the blogosphere, looking to attract your eyeballs and a bit of your time to learn a bit more about our corner of the world.

A Juneau based blogger has offered up 54-40 Discourse, a hopeful attempt to reflect life in both Alaska, Northwestern BC and the Northern Territories.

It provides a number of links to some interesting sites for information and opinion, in particular there are two spots on the blog where you can pick up a fair amount of background on some of the shared interests that we share with our neigbhours.

On the blog there is a Regional News aggregator, which provides links to a number of stories that offer us the opportunity to learn more about the issues in our regions. At the very top left of the blog is the listing of some of the current original items posted. To the right hand side a lengthy list of blogs, newspaper sites and streaming audio options for you to take a look at.

It's only been on line for a few weeks so there is no doubt some fine tuning to be done, but as it evolves it will most likely become a helpful addition to our Northwest news scene, providing another viewpoint of the news and providing some original content that for whatever reason doesn't resonate with the mainstream media options in the region.

The author of the new blog has on occasion offered commentary on some of our blog items on this very Podunkian portal, well thought out and reasoned thoughts on issues of interest both here and Alaska.

We're sure that those commentaries will now be fleshed out into greater detail and provide residents of the North coast with a different view of some of the things that are of concern to us. We wish his blog all the best, it's always nice to see someone else get the bug and offer up their creations to the Internet media community...

You can find a permanent link on our blog to the new addition from Alaska, look for it on the right hand column side under our Other Podunk commentators section.

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