Friday, October 02, 2009

From the discussion tables of the UBCM

The UBCM convention calls it a wrap today, Stockwell Day offers up some thoughts from the federal government in the early sessions for today while Premier Campbell takes to the speakers podium to bring the event to a close shortly before the noon hour.

The four and a half day political meet and greet hasn't gained much in the way of newsworthy mention since Monday, flying rather low on the radar considering the amount of usually talkative politicians gathered in one location.

There have been a few mentions in the major papers of Vancouver and Victoria, which focused mainly on the major names of the convention's agenda.
Victoria Times Colonist-- James tests a new sales pitch on UBCM
Victoria Times Colonist-- Cellphone ban up for debate

For the most part however, any local coverage of the efforts of our local politicians hasn't been documented to any great detail.
And while they don't have any news nuggets for the North coast, there is one source that has provided for some daily background information on the events of the week in Vancouver.

During this past week the Tyee's political blog The Hook has outlined some of the items that their reporters have found of interest, some of them are provided below.

We'll update this spot with any late breaking developments from the final day, offering up an archive for Podunkians, just in case they run into our local attendees and want to ask how things went during the week.

Campbell hints at further cuts to education and health care
Tories make campaign-like pitch at UBCM speech

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