Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some say tata to cheap gas, some say hello to a tata…

CIBC World Markets the investment arm of Canada’s CIBC banking system, issued the alert today that the price of a litre of gas will soon be shocking our systems. The mad rush to automobiles world wide, with Russia, India and China only now jumping onto the mass production treadmill, means that an already depleting resource of the world is going to get used up even quicker.

So in the fine capitalist style of supply and demand, the price according to CIBC should be hitting 1.50 a litre in short order, making today’s 1.08 levels positively nostalgic by the summer.

While North American’s ponder what to do with their SUV’s and other soon to be dinosaurs of the roads, cast an eye over to India, where today they introduced the Nano Tata, a 3 metre long compact, that sits four (five if you all squeeze) and gets 50 kilometres a litre and if you really push it will reach 65 km/h.

The Nano the creation of India’s Tata motors, will be all shiny new and ready to roll in June for the bargain price of 100,000 rupees, 1700 British pounds or 2500 dollars Canadian or American.
For the moment “The People’s car” as they’re marketing it at Tata, will be mainly for use in India with an initial production run of 250,000 planned from the West Bengal auto plant from which the Nano will come from. But plans are in the works to quickly introduce the vehicle to Latin America, South East Asia and Africa.
Those markets hold a huge population spread of folks that have never had a car to drive before, mainly due to price. With the Tata's price point so cheap, it's expected that there will be an automobile boom in those nations and with it of course, an increase with all of that (good and bad) which comes from the automobile revolution.

The fact that the car at 2500 dollars will be so affordable is spurring on dreams of mass production that brings to mind the days of Henry Ford and North America in the last century. With so many of the inexpensive vehicles expected to be snapped up by anxious first time buyers, the pressure on the world’s oil supply is bound to get even more intense.

The debut of the Nano, could very well result in the price of gas in North America to edge upwards for the future. All which could very well change the dynamic of the North American auto industry forever.

Want to plan ahead and maybe find a profitable niche for yourself? Be the first in your province to grab a Tata dealership, maybe not today but in a not too far off future, it very well may live up to the term car of the future! It may be the only car you can afford and the only one which you can put gas into!

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