It was an interesting morning of price changing taking place at Podunkian gas stations earlier today, as the price of gas jumps five cents at two locations downtown, while one holds the line at 1.32 and Petro Can sits in the middle at 1.34.
Both Chevron and Esso had posted prices of $1.37.9 per litre this morning, while the Husky down the street held to it's current price of $1.32.9/litre (by noon hour anyways).
Petro Can which had jumped the two cents a few days ago, remains at $1.34.9/litre.
We were a little low in the tank, so we didn't head out to the Industrial site this morning or out to Port Edward to check their prices, which normally match the rest of the town's stations once the price goes up...
Fill em up and head em out as you desire...
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