Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Just deserts for a despot or Cruel and Unusual punishment?

You're the former leader of a Middle Eastern dictatorship, best known for your iron rule of thumb and violations of numerous civil rights. A mass murderer of some record you now while away your time in a prison cell, awaiting judgment for your heinous crimes, including those of genocide.

So if you're Saddam Hussein how are you spending your down time? Well if this report from Yahoo news is correct, you're being forced to watch yourself in cartoon form on a video of South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

Matt Stone co-creator of the South Park crew says that he has it on good authority that the US Marine Guards currently watching over the Butcher of Baghdad regularly make him watch the movie over and over again.

Guess he'll be joining the chorus though and Blaming Canada too!

And if Saddam gets what he truly deserves, when he gets to his final destination, his co-star in that epic film will have the DVD all set up so they can watch it over and over again in perpetuity!

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