Sunday, June 25, 2006

Harriet the Tortoises’ passing leads to the best headline in a long time

The Vancouver Sun gets a nod for its creative headline writing with Saturday’s front page declaration that “Harriet the tortoise, 176, reaches the finish line”.

It recounted the life and times of the tortoise described as Darwin’s tortoise. Harriet is thought to have been the oldest living creature in the world at the time of her passing. Harriet spent the last seventeen years of her life taking things rather easy, as an exhibit at Brisbane's Australia Zoo.

Legend has it that the Galapagos turtle was discovered by Charles Darwin and studied by the famed naturalist. It is believed that Harriet may have been one of the study subjects that led to Darwin’s then controversial theories in his paper on the origins of species.

Yes, Harriet could very well have been the catalyst behind the study of evolution.

Talk about a life well lived! No doubt credit for Harriet’s longevity must go to having lived a stress free life and taking life’s challenges in a more leisurely way, some might say slower pace to life

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