Monday, January 05, 2009

Management to review union proposal in ports dispute

The next meeting is planned for as early as Wednesday, but no later than Friday and when the two sides will meet, at which time the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association will provide their feedback on a proposal from the International Longshore Worker's Union.

That is where things stand today after a weekend of talks assisted by federal mediators went through Saturday and into Sunday, meetings that will hopefully keep British Columbia ports open for business.

No details of the ILWU proposal were released and a timetable for future discussion, if any isn't apparently carved in stone as the two sides review their positions on the issues that will have a major impact on the shipping industry in British Columbia.

The ILWU representing port supervisors has been in a legal strike position since January 2nd, but has put off any action while the two sides continued to talk, should they decide on job action a 72 hour warning would have to be provided.

Globe and Mail-- Labour talks continue as strike threatens B.C. ports
The Northern View-- Still no deal in port negotiations

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