Saturday, February 21, 2004

A conversation piece for the couch potatoe

Your nights not too exciting around the family table these days, looking for a way to liven things up? Kevin Williamson at the Calgary Sun gives us some fodder for an argument, with a list of the top 25 shows on Television, including a reason or two why. A wide ranging list it includes many, that certainly would be on everyone's favorites list.

Some of the highlights on the Must have seen watch include: Seinfeld, The Simpsons, All in the Family, Homicide: Life on the Street, Twin Peaks, Sesame Street, M*A*S*H, David Letterman and The X-Files to name a few. Many of the shows were critically acclaimed but viewer ignored, Homicide for instance, was by far one of the smartest TV cop shows ever on, yet floundered at times in NBC's lineup. Others like M*A*S*H and All In the Family went on to change the way we approached television viewing.

Of course for every winners list, you have a loser's list. And Williamson doesn't disappoint with a list of the worst television shows in history. If you remember or still watch these, you are part of a elite crew of folks destined for history: The Jerry Springer Show, Cop Rock, After M*A*S*H, Hogan's Heroes, Dukes of Hazard, The XFL, Dallas, Seeing things, Joanie Love Chachi or Baby Bob. Find out if your favorite is actually a stinker by checking out the list.

The piece even includes a trivia section where you can play along.

For instance, who or should that be what, kicked the bionic brains out of the bionic man? Sammy Davis kissed which TV character to cause a shock in TV land? Check out the list for the answers.

Now if you know every show on both lists, perhaps a little less time in front of the television might be your best option. If you can name the shows, actors and plotlines of each and everyone, chances are you don't get out much.

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