Thursday, October 30, 2008

Well if it's your time to go, this is probably the way to go

It's high on the ugh factor, but one suspects that somewhere in mouse heaven is one very satiated mouse.

A PEI farmer made one of those horrifying discoveries that probably will swear the family off cheese for life, after the father of two cut into a block of cheese and found a very full grown and very dead mouse firmly encased in the middle of the block of cheese.

The incident is considered to be a rarity in the world of food processing, it yet apparently can happen from time to time and unfortunately for the PEI farmer, it was his block of cheese where coincidence struck.
The CFIA immediately seized 300 blocks of Maple Dale's Caribbean brand cheese from stores in eastern Canada as the Ontario based food processor began the process of finding out what went wrong in the world of quality control.

It's suspected that the unfortunate mouse was not actually prowling the cheese factory but smuggled himself/herself in with a bag of jalapeno peppers.

We suspect more mouse traps are on order... just in case.

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