Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One always needs a "Plan B"

The Legions of the Liberal elites in the USA are keeping a watchful eye on the polling data and perhaps making a few plans for exile, just in case the McCain/Palin ticket comes out on top in the November 4th US election.

Slate the online magazine has provided a helpful emigration guide for those Leftist elites that may not feel particularly welcome in Governor Palin's America. Providing an on line video that soothes any fears of a mass migration to the North (and we don't mean to Alaska) should the Obama campaign not provide the desired outcome.

Clearly facing a few anxious times, they may be eyeing the border as they view this video, with that in mind the CBSA is advised to be on the ready. It may not be much longer before the multitudes may be making the pilgrimmage, perhaps as soon as November 5th, should things not work out their way..

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