Thursday, October 09, 2008

Time to give thanks at BC Ferries

While customers ponder service cut backs, rising fares and numerous service issues from the provinces fleet of marine transportation, the company, BC Ferries is ready to share some of the wealth with their employees.

The Ferry corporation announced that in a BC Ferries employee's mailbox today or tomorrow will be a cheque for 500 dollars, a bonus for a job well done destined for all of the corporations 3,400 full-time employees.

The bonuses were earmarked by the Corporation after the Ferries met their targets in the last fiscal year, it's the third or fourth year now that the bonuses have been delivered to the employees, all part of their employee incentive program.

The sum of the bonuses is dependant on time served, being in good standing and the Ferry corporations financial standing.

It's that final category that may see some rogue waves wash back against the Corporation, just last month BC Ferries President David Hahn announced a number of service cutbacks to the major routes between the lower mainland and Vancouver Island.

Those cuts come into effect on October 14th, probably at the same time that the ferry corporation employees take their cheques to the bank, an ironic bit of timing that will leave a number of customers shaking their heads we suspect.

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