Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Well he didn’t exactly word it like that. But Prime Minister Paul Martin trying to turn around the public reaction to the shenanigans in Ottawa these days, declared That the Age of Entitlement is over.

Using his famous “hell or high water” slogan from his deficit fighting days, Martin said that the culture of cronyism must come to an end. He should find a welcome audience for that declaration.

The population disgusted by the revelations in the patronage scandals, has found itself astounded by the list of friends of Liberals placed in rewarding positions. Anyone looking for a job these days, must get nauseated at the amount of Friends of Liberals that seemingly gained their jobs, simply by a wink and a nod. Never mind the level playing field, many of us probably never even got near the ball park. Those with the connections were the ones with the free pass to the clubhouse, dipping and in some cases double dipping into the gravy train that has become the bureaucracy of Canada.

It’s going to take a lot more than simple words by PM the PM, to take the taste of that bile from the mouth of the ordinary Canadian, meekly paying their taxes year after year, only to see the money frittered away on friends, family and fundraisers.

The opposition will be making quick work of his conversion on the road to Damascus here, pointing out that he’s been at the centre of the power in Canada for the last ten years and more. Of course, the real centre of that power was former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and his supporters are doing a slow burn as PM the PM, points the damning finger of fate in their direction. First he expressed outrage at the machinations behind the ad scandal, now he’s turning his moral certainty at the cronyism issue. The Chretien disciples are feeling mighty persecuted (they should be thankful that it’s not prosecuted) these days, like kids who have been caught doing something they shouldn’t have been doing, they now face a bit of public scolding.

PM the PM’s public declaration that change is a coming, is no doubt part of the master plan on the way to an election. While he tackles patronage, cronyism and blatant corruption he might wish to tag on two more hot button issues. The controversial spending of the Governor General, indeed if we even need such a position and the patronage, crony ridden chamber called the Senate. If he makes progress on this adventurous agenda of change, even the NDP’S Smilin’ Jack Layton may cast an X for him on Election Day.

The above posting is taken from my Boondoggle blogsite, for more government related postings and links check it out.

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