Monday, March 15, 2004


It was a couple of weeks ago that I first noticed the site. While posting my own items to Blogger, I noticed it in the Fresh Blog listings, a name quite familiar to me from reading the newspapers. However, such was the dedication to my own work, I neglected to click and check it out for a while.

Finally my interest got the better of me and I took a break from posting and started to do some blog exploring. Discovering a pretty good site for anyone that wants to be in the know! is exactly as it is described “not so much a blog as a browser”. There is so much material to choose from, it’s almost overwhelming to decide.

Heavily weighted in political items, it’s a treasure chest of Canadian political information, with links, columns and editorials; you can find information on pretty well any happening in Canada or the world.

Coyne a much respected journalist, composes some well researched items and turns a phrase that just jumps off the page. He even provides a service for those of us web surfers in the backwoods, that don’t get daily home delivery of the papers of the Asper newspaper conglomerate. Many of his link articles are from the Asper papers, which recently went behind that subscription firewall of death. It takes a bit of work, but if you look hard enough you can find the articles that stay hidden from us misguided souls, that don’t live in a large city.

For those not aware, the Asper chain only provides complimentary access to its website for those readers who get home delivery, currently limited to the larger centers. Even if you faithfully purchase your favorite Asper paper at a newsstand daily, you aren’t worthy of a comp. If you made the mistake of living outside the big burgs, you have to send off your money for the secret decoder codes, that will let you access the material on the various websites. Coyne with his multitude of links, helps you around that little problem, a public service for the disenfranchised.

If you like politics, enjoy a good read or just want to know what the hell is going on in the world, this is a site you have to check out. Just be forewarned, your mouse is going to get a pretty good little work out, your clicking finger taking you from story to story. There’s even room for you to comment on each and every story, giving you access to one of the better journalists the country has to offer. Go ahead explore!

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