Monday, August 31, 2009

They may be getting a little crabby about crab traps at BC Ferries

The Northern Adventure is back on the water again, making its first run in five days today after spending yet another weekend in port removing crab lines from it's propellers.

The Ferry suffered the crab line problem one week ago, requiring it to be taken out of service, upon resumption of its travel timetable last Monday it once again ran into crab lines, necessitating another weekend tied up while divers worked on the latest snags.

The Queen Charlotte Islands Observer outlined the latest details of crab line conundrums...

Ferry back in service after another crab trap tangle
Queen Charlotte Island Observer
Monday, August 31, 2009

The Northern Adventure returned to service Monday morning (Aug. 31), sailing to Skidegate with a load of passengers who had been stranded all weekend in Prince Rupert.
The ferry missed five sailings after it tangled with crab trap lines again while travelling to Skidegate on Friday. It had only been in service for a few days since having the very same problem the previous weekend.

BC Ferries spokesperson Deborah Marshall said the company is well aware of the serious inconvenience and impact on tourism to Haida Gwaii posed by the continuing ferry breakdowns.

Ms Marshall said BC Ferries has started sending divers down to clear the propeller and shaft of crab lines every time the Northern Adventure docks in Prince Rupert. The lines had been cleared out Friday morning, but the ship ran into more lines during the Friday crossing and arrived in Skidegate with the shaft fouled once again. Sailings were cancelled and the Northern Adventure headed back to Rupert Saturday morning escorted by a tug boat.

It was back in service Monday doing catch-up sailings, and is supposed to be back on schedule for the 11 am Tuesday departure from Skidegate.

The crab fishery opened July 20 and it seems that the crabs have moved further south, putting the fishermen's trap locations in direct conflict with the ferry route. Dan Edwards, the new executive director of the Area A Crab Association, said the fishermen were given coordinates for the ferry's route last year. They have also been given a map outlining the ferry's path.

"There is a problem associated with the crab gear and we are trying to keep the lanes clear," he said. "If there is gear in the lane, we will ask people to get it out of the way."

Mr. Edwards said that some of the crabbers have reported seeing the ferry outside of its mapped route, so the fault may not lie entirely with the fishermen.

He also said that while the crab season will likely stay open until spring, fishermen are working most intensively right now to take advantage of the good weather.

"You'll have less and less gear in the water as the summer comes to an end," he said.
There are 52 vessels working in Area A, which covers Hecate Strait as well as the waters north, west and south of the islands. They have 35,000 traps.

Ms Marshall said BC Ferries crew members found seven floats attached to the many ropes fouling the Northern Adventure (but no traps, and no crabs). The floats have tags embedded in them which can identify the owners, so BC Ferries and the crab association are working on that.

The only Y we can think of, is why does this man have a television show!

We’re not sure when Fox News evolved into Comedy Central, but with Glen Beck at the front lines of the network's (and right wing America’s) call to battle against President Obama, one must assume that the Democrats sleep well at night.

The latest from this would be giant of journalism was a rather interesting lesson on how America is turning into an Oligarchy, or as Mr. Beck suggests an Oligarhy.
he. he. he.

We’re not sure where Mr. Beck’s career is going to take him, he’s recently run into more than his fair share of controversy regarding his thoughts on how President Obama is a racist, or from his almost televangelist like zeal, (just short of issuing tin foil hats) when it comes to his rather unorthodox conspiracy theories.

But, when a major news organization becomes the centre of ridicule, such as Fox has over the last few days, what with sponsor pull outs and now credibility problems when it comes to on air editing, well one must fear for Mr. Beck’s long term career status.

Whether he survives this latest toxic mis-step radiating out of the Fox Studios remains to be seen, but we suspect that his future options may be dwindling as the days go by.

One thing is certain, he won’t be hosting or participating for that matter, in the Scripps Spelling Bee spectaculars every spring and we suspect that any possible shot at a guest appearance on Jeopardy may be gone forever as well.

Tuesday's budget could make for a burden to be shared, but will it be shared by all?

Michael Smyth in Sunday's Vancouver Province provides some interesting reading and offers up a glimpse ahead to Tuesday's budget, a presentation by the British Columbia Liberal government that many suggest will offer up a blue print of the road ahead as far as cost cutting, tax collection and job stability for the province and its residents.

The question that Smyth raises and one which should prove to be a helpful talking point leading up to budget day is, will this budget be a case of "do as we say, not as we do" when it comes to sharing the burden across the province.

It's anticipated that all civil servants will be expected to accept a wage freeze when the budget is revealed, though as Smyth explains it those civil servants elected as MLA's may not join in on the hold the line consensus.

Smyth takes us back to 2007, those apparently halcyon days of endless optimism, when all MLA's vote themselves a 29 per cent pay raise complete with pension upgrades, with Cabinet Ministers boosting their pay envelope as well and the Premier topping up his financial planning with a 53 per cent salary boost.

The good times continued on into 2008 as Smyth reveals the rather generous expansion on the government side under the Campbell government in just the last year. Bringing more of his team into the inner circle with an increase in cabinet ministers from 22 to 24 and a healthy pay bump for back bench parliamentary assistants with six Liberal back benchers picking up an extra 15,000 dollars for their parliamentary secretary duties.

And if all goes according to plan, all MLA's will also receive a pay raise on April 1st 2010, indexed to inflation.

All past expansions to the remuneration agenda that may stick in the craw of those that will have to suffer the ravages of a declining economy over the next four years.

If some of those more expansive increases are not rescinded in these tough economic times ahead, then next April one may very well make for a toxic reminder and provide for one of the cruelest of April Fools Day jokes in recent times.

Sunday, August 30, 2009- The Province-- Paycheques for MLAs keep getting bigger

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Friday, August 28, 2009

An honour for a long time proponent of the port, pinks are the money fish this season and the MLA weighs in on the speech from the throne, some of the items of note from Friday's news cycle.

DAILY NEWS, Front page, headline story
MEDAL OF MERIT AWARDED TO DR. BILL HICK-- From almost the day he arrived in Prince Rupert, Dr. Bill Hick has been pointing to the harbour and it's path to the ocean as the future for the city, this week at the Port hosted gathering of Port officials Dr. Hick was honoured for his vision and dedication to the marine infrastructure of the north coast (see story here) item is also provided at the bottom of this post.

While much of this years pacific salmon fishery has been painted as a disaster, the state of the pink fishery is the one bright spot in this years harvest. In fact, the abundance of pinks this season may be enough to at least provide enough bankable hours for shore workers to work on their EI claims. (see story here)

Gary Coons, the NDP MLA for the North Coast no doubt will be able to find much of last weeks speech from the throne that he disagrees with, but he isn't too disappointed as he reads over the list of infrastructure projects that the government outlined, though in the end the proof of commitment will come upon the delivery of the promises (see story here)

Preparation work is under way for the latest in athletic equipment to arrive in Prince Rupert, as the city's recreation department prepares to install it's outdoor exercise stations, the anticipated opening for the sixteen stations of the outdoor gym is in late September (see story here)

The sports section outlined some of the plans for the upcoming flag football season in Prince Rupert (see story here)

Crews begin process of Acropolis Manor demolition-- The Northern View kept a keen eye on the Acropolis Manor site over the weekend, posting a story Saturday about the beginning phase of the dismantling of the old seniors residence and health care facility, now apparently considered redundant with the opening of the new Acropolis next door (see story here)

Daily News, front page headline story:

Medal of Merit awarded to Dr. Bill Hick
By George T. Baker

The Prince Rupert Daily News
Friday, August 28, 2009

Some individuals are born with a foresight that allows them to do great things for many people.
While many of the delegates during this week's port conference were seeing Prince Rupert and its potential for the first time, Wednesday was an afternoon that belonged to Dr Bill Hick, a man who envisioned it years ago.

Hick, the former local physician, author and port advocate, was honoured Wednesday with a Medal of Merit award by the Association of Canadian Port Authorities.

It's an honour that is not handed out lightly. And for a man whose voice is often deep and direct, his contribution in speaking about Prince Rupert's potential was no light fare, either.

Nowadays, Hick lives in White Rock where he retired. But he has not forgotten about the place that shaped him and that he helped to shape.

"I spend most of my days thinking about what happened, when it happened, how it happened and why it happened," explained Hick, when speaking about Prince Rupert.

What happened was a container terminal, and how that happened was by continuous advocacy,
persistence and some deal making that put Hick ahead of the curve.

When it happened is easy enough to answer, too, because that was October 2007.
It's the 'why' it happened that is difficult to answer in any other way - Hick made a trip into Prince Rupert in 1947 to check out its non-existent downtown.

"It was a pretty sad place," recounted Hicks.

Frustrated by what appeared to be a waste of opportunity, the doctor moved to Prince Rupert from Stewart in 1956.

As Dr. Hick became immersed in the community, he became aware of a sense of hopelessness and despair entrenched in the community, of which nearly 50 per cent were First Nations, driven by the chronic lack of waterfront activity and work opportunities - and no perceived ability to influence decision-makers to invest in Prince Rupert or increase business through the port.

Indeed, throughout its history, the port in Prince Rupert has been shaped and hindered by external political and economic forces, dependent on support from outside investors and government officials with little commitment to the local community.

"I soon started to have patients who were longshoremen and fishermen. The longshoremen were really poor in those days because they were only working one or two days per week.

Something had to be done."

He joined a local group in establishing Western Wharves Ltd., a community-based company that
committed $50,000 to identify and promote the most suitable site for the development of a general cargo terminal for the port.

The company identified and leased the Fairview site just inside the entrance to Prince Rupert Harbour and Dr. Hick, as president 1968-70, spearheaded the initiative to promote and make the terminal a reality.

Their efforts were rewarded in 1970 when Federal Transport Minister Don Jamieson requested CNR to buy out Western Wharves' Fairview property leases, which were then transferred to the National Harbour Board.

The Fairview Terminal began operations in 1977 following four years of construction, managed by a newly formed National Harbour Board port authority.

It was Hick's vision that Prince Rupert would one day fulfill the promise of Charles Melville Hays - the now mythical American entrepreneurial figure associated with Prince Rupert and the city's potential - which eventually led to the container terminal.

He was also instrumental in developing increased ferry service to and from Prince Rupert, securing BC Ferries routes to both Port Hardy and Skidegate.

In 2003, he published "Hays' Orphan: The Story of the Port of Prince Rupert", a passionate memoir and detailed history of the Rupert port, which has been cited in numerous historical and academic publications, including the Canadian Political Science Review.

Prince Rupert Port Authority President and CEO, Don Krusel, spoke about Hick's contribution.
"In my humble opinion, he is most deserved of this award," said Krusel. "[Hicks] was a tenacious advocate of Prince Rupert…even when no one was listening and no one cared."

Prince Rupert mayor, Jack Mussallem, now charged with being the City's top advocate, also recalled fond memories of Hicks from younger days when the mayor was a little less careful with his own health.

"He used to patch me back together," remembered Mussallem. "His contribution to Prince Rupert was stellar, as was his continued advocacy for the health and wealth of Prince Rupert."

Last Post for the Last Lion

The remarkable era of the Kennedy family played its final act of the trilogy on Saturday afternoon.

Edward Moore Kennedy, the youngest brother of the fabled three political Kennedy’s was laid to rest in the American capital, accorded many of the honours and pageantry of a President, but celebrated as the champion of the ordinary citizen.

There has been much said this week of his political life on behalf of his constituents of Massachusetts, of the trail followed, one blazed by his brothers Jack and Bobby, both tragically taken too soon by assassins bullets.

It was through the works of the third brother to hold office however, where much of their vision and agenda of change for America came to pass. Not through Presidential office as had been planned, but rather in the thrust and parry of a Congress that was at times acrimonious and petty. More known for its ability to say No, than it’s destiny to say Yes .

It was through a bi-partisan spirit nurtured by the senior senator of Massachusetts that much of the social progress in America moved forward, a quest for a more equal America, one that professes to provide for all, but sometimes comes up short. For much of Senator Ted Kennedy’s career the goal was to move America to live up to the beliefs many hold dear.

The tales have been spun this week of his ability to bring contrarian opinions together for common good, of having fought a good fight, fired by the dedication to a cause or ideal.

The stories weave a remarkable litany of accomplishment and some political failure, of holding to principle, but yet finding an ability to seek out the opposing side, outside the halls of debate in the spirit of service to country.

His public life was on the record, as were his personal failings. His sense of good judgement on political issues, clouded at times by his lack of judgement on personal ones. All of it was played out in a very public way, on a most public stage the triumphs and the tragedies both external and self inflicted.

His passing writes the final chapter of a fascinating era for American politics. In the shadows of the legacy of his brothers for a good portion of his early political life, he came to represent much of what that legacy stood for. His efforts in civil rights, in respect and assistance for the disabled and those with mental challenges and his long fought battles for health care, so far unfinished, highlighted his work on Capital Hill.

There were of course many other pieces of legislation that bore his stamp and ability to find consensus, as well as many unreported acts of kindness towards those who had suffered a loss, or needed assistance or guidance.

For some those works may never be enough penance for his past, for others his efforts in politics were a balancing of the accounts of a flawed, but determined man.

History will judge him in the end, as it always does, weighing the good he brought forward with negatives that dogged his trail.

Through his many documented flaws however, came much progress for a nation that constantly strives to create a perfect union. On that point, there would be no argument that Senator Kennedy played his part, and in the words made famous by his slain older brother, asked not what his country could do for him, but what he could do for his country.

His many years in office and the impact of them on the face of political debate in America lived up to that credo which proclaimed the opening act of the political dynasty that became the Kennedy’s.

The Senator’s passing at 77 draws the curtain down on that remarkable period of American history. One which saw the youngest of the brothers become the patriarch of a large, boisterous extended Irish American family. He would become the uncle who became the anchor of the family, both in times great joy, or on the far too frequent occasions of despair. The eulogies and commentaries this week have frequently evolved into that discussion of his place as the head of one of America’s most famous families, a task which with the responsibility accepted; must have provided for a heavy burden.

Born into a family of wealth and privilege, he in the end was the champion of those Americans that had neither. He leaves a torch for others to pick up, whether they be future generations of the Kennedy name, or others inspired by the most public of American families.

Destined to follow the road mapped out through his long contribution to public life, following instructions as most famously proclaimed “the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die”

It’s a celebrated piece of word craft that perhaps today makes for a most fitting epitaph to his remarkable career and journey.

New York Times-- Soul’ of Party Is Memorialized by Nation
Boston Globe-- A Final Farewell

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The continuing problems of the Northern Adventure

Yet another weekend of misery for would be travellers on BC Ferries Northern Adventure.

For the second weekend in a row, sailings of the vessel have been cancelled, once again it would seem that problems from an incident with some crab lines have arisen to render the vessel tethered to a dock.
As we outlined last week on the blog, the ferry was also kept in port over last weekend, while maintenance crews worked on the lines that were caught in the propellor shafts, there is no word from BC Ferries if this latest cancellation of service is from that original incident or if misfortune fell upon the vessel yet again.
The BC Ferries Service Website Notices section advises that all sailings from Friday to Monday have been cancelled. Further updates can be found there, or by calling BC Ferries at 1-888-223-3779 (1-888-BCFERRY), after 9 am on Saturday.

Service Notice - Sailing Cancellations - Prince Rupert/Skidegate

Posted Friday, August 28, 2009 Print Version

Note: This Service Notice applies to the following route(s):
- Port Hardy (Bear Cove) - Bella Bella (McLoughlin Bay) - Prince Rupert
- Port Hardy (Bear Cove) - Mid Coast - Prince Rupert including Discovery Coast Passage
- Prince Rupert - Queen Charlotte Islands (Skidegate)
- Queen Charlotte Islands (Alliford) - Queen Charlotte Islands (Skidegate

Please be advised that the following sailings of the Northern Adventure have been cancelled due to crab lines tangled in the propellor shaft:

Departing Skidegate: Friday, Aug. 28 at 11:00 PM
Departing Prince Rupert: Saturday, Aug. 29 at 11:00 AM
Departing Skidegate: Saturday, Aug. 29 at 11:00 PM
Departing Prince Rupert: Sunday, Aug 30 at 11:00 AM
Departing Skidegate: Monday, Aug. 31 at 11:00 AM

For further information please call 1-888-223-3779 (1-888-BCFERRY) after 09:00 am tomorrow, Saturday Aug. 29th.

We apologize for any incovenience this may cause.

Does a property just off the Highway of Tears hold answers for waiting families?

A flurry of activity on a rural property about forty five minutes west of Prince George is bringing to life the memories of those that may have fallen victim to the infamous Highway of Tears, the lengthy and at times isolated roadway of Highway 16 between Prince Rupert and Prince George.
After what is now years of little new developments in the many cases that mark RCMP files, many British Columbians are wondering if the current examination of the rural property in Isle Pierre may yield clues and/or horror in at least one of the current files listed under the Highway of Tears caseload.

The family of Nicole Hoar, an Alberta tree planter who went missing just west of Prince George in 2002 confirmed for the media on Thursday that the RCMP had contacted them to advise that there may be new developments in her missing person’s case.

The focus of what many hope is a break in Ms Hoar’s case and perhaps others is the former property of a one time Isle Pierre resident, Leland Vincent Switzer.

Switzer was convicted of the murderer of his brother back in 2002, an event which in an eerie bit of timing, took place two days after the disappearance of Ms. Hoar, who was last seen not far from that Isle Pierre turn off.

A number of news items in recent days highlight some of the concerns of neighbors and residents of Isle Pierre, when it comes to the topic of the former owner of the property and his interaction with his fellow residents.
Prince George Free Press-- RCMP seek Nicole Hoar's remains in Isle Pierre
With a mobile command post and a mobile forensics unit on scene and yellow police tape surrounding the property, the quiet rural area is suddenly the centre of a media glare that could certainly change their peaceful setting for months if not years to come.

For 18 families seeking closure from their heartbreak, news from that property search will be anxiously awaited, no doubt with fear that the worst may come to pass, but with equal concern that at least some kind of information and a break in these haunting mysteries may come from the efforts of investigators.

The first case in the known list of the disappeared or murdered dates back some forty years, over those forty years, thirteen of the cases have been classified as homicides, while five others remain listed a missing. Two of the eighteen case files, Alberta Williams and Tamara Chipman are from the Prince Rupert area.
The RCMP however have been quick to outline how this investigation in Isle Pierre, should not be compared to the infamous Pickton farm investigation.
As things stand at the moment, Opinion 250 in Prince George quotes RCMP media liaison Corporal Annie Linteau as saying "We have no information to indicate we should be looking for any more than one homicide victim"

Still, news of some forward movement on even one of those eighteen files would be a welcome development.

Equally important is the fact that we once again have our attention returned to the list of unsolved murders and disappearances, bringing the victims and their families to the focus of our thoughts.
A break in one case, may provide the momentum that triggers a memory of the others, giving hope to other families that closure may soon come to their homes as well.

The police efforts on that property have been the top item on the agenda of the provincial and national media over the last few days, many of the links to current articles and items on the search of that Isle Pierre property can be found below.

CBC News Daybreak North-- Highway of Tears case reopened (audio report)
CBC Television-- Interview with RCMP media liaison Annie Linteau (video report)
Prince George Citizen-- Searching for Nicole
Prince George Citizen-- Hoar family hoping for breakthrough
Photos above: left, Globe and Mail location map and list of victims or disappeared, right, CBC photo of the investigation scene in Isle Pierre

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Thursday, August 27, 2009

The differences between Ports in Vancouver and Prince Rupert are examined, Wind Power receives a welcome breeze from the BC Hdro and the city's younger website designers show their stuff through a summer camp.

DAILY NEWS, Headline Story, Thursday, August 27, 2009
VANCOUVER, PRINCE RUPRET PORTS COMPARED AT AGM-- As part of this weeks gathering of Port officials in Prince Rupert, a discussion session was held to examine the nature of how the ports work and what their concerns are on the West Coast (see story here), item is provided at the bottom of this post as well.

The city's youthful computer types had the opportunity to showcase their ideas and knowledge through a summer camp run by the City of Prince Rupert, the result of their efforts and the potential for more camps was outlined in the Wednesday paper (see story here)

BC Hyrdro's clean power call is back on track, as the provincial power provider reinforced its intent to follow through on the request for alternate forms of power production, looking to find a way to move the process forward while falling into guidelines from the BCUC. It was a welcome statement from local wind power proponents who were a little surprised at the recent ruling from the Utilities Commission (see story here)

While they may have had unforseen difficulties getting the Northern Adventure to and fro last weekend, the picture is much more positive for BC Ferry's when it comes to their latest report, while they may be 3.6 million shorter in cash from last year thanks to the recession, Ferries executives found some things to be hopeful on for the future (see story here)

PRINCE RUPERT PORT PIONEER HONOURED BY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION-- A long time proponent of Prince Rupert's future as a world port, Dr. Bill Hick, received an honour from the Association of Canadian Port Authorities this week. The Nothern View outlined his past efforts and the impact he has had on Prince Rupert's evolution in the transportation industry (see story here)

Daily News, Front page headline story
Vancouver, Prince Rupert ports compared at AGM
By George T. Baker
The Prince Rupert Daily News
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Amalgamation was one of the strategies under discussion at the Port Authorities' AGM Wednesday afternoon.

As gateways become more relevant over the next decade, Port Authorities would like the federal government to take a harder look at how it views its national strategy when it comes to port development. Whether that means amalgamating ports or another strategy is unknown at this point, but certainly port officials would like the discussion of gateways to move into more substantial avenues.

"It is clear to me that as we go into a gateway, we have to consider changing our ways," said current Association of Canadian Port Authority's, Gaetan Boivin. "Amalgamation may not be a solution, but we have to make sure we make the best use of the infrastructure paid for by taxpayers."An example of amalgamation was the Port Metro Vancouver, which combined three port authorities - the Fraser River Port Authority, the North Fraser Port Authority, and the Vancouver Port Authority - in January 2008.

Robin Silvester, the Port Metro Vancouver's CEO and President, said bringing all three sides together has been a hugely successful move for the port because it allowed three ports that work in the same vicinity to work together at the same time, rather than fighting and competing against each other. "For Vancouver, the amalgamation has been beneficial for our gateway," he told audience members at the 51st ACPA Annual General Meeting and Conference.

One of the benefits, he argued, was allowing for strategic infrastructural spending within the region, dealing with what could be transportation pinpoints throughout the various jurisdictions in the lower mainland. "One of the advantages we hear about Prince Rupert is how it is not encumbered by its population because of the smaller city size," said Silvester. "I have never thought of Vancouver as encumbered by population but underpinned because of it.

"But as Vancouver grows both in population size (expected to increase by one million said Silvester) it will also grow in land pressure.

For a Port Authority, that means it must be willing and able to see how the surrounding landscape will develop. And unlike Prince Rupert, which has nothing but a vast wilderness and small communities surrounding it, Vancouver is surrounded by dwindling agricultural space and large communities of sprawl and mixed use.

"Land purchase and acquisition is going to be key to Vancouver as we look at growth in volumes of trade," said Silvester. "And this is not about any land, it's about land for economic use."

That is underscored by the battle between Ports Vancouver and Metro Vancouver over ownership of the Canfor lands in New Westminster.

Ports Vancouver claims it signed a purchase agreement for the 18.3-hectare parcel, located in the Braid industrial area, three days before Metro Vancouver expropriated the property on April 14, 2008.The waterfront property was put up for sale in 2008 after Canadian Forest Products closed its panel mill on the site.

"We must recognize the competition for the limited amount of land by the various user industries," Silvester added.

Recognizing that and buying social license are two separate things, though. Silvester said that amongst Port Metro's top achievements was the agreements signed with the Tswassen nation so that it might use Roberts Banks.

"It is important that we do all that we need to do to minimize the community impact," said Silvester. In Prince Rupert, the port authority here isn't dealing so much with competition for land use as much as securing agreements with the Tsimshian over how the community will be compensated for the use of the land.

Tsimshian elder, James Bryant, has welcomed and spoken to many different groups on behalf of the Tsimshian people at this week's AGM. The welcome is polite, but Bryant also uses the opportunity to discuss his frustration over the inability of the Tsimshian to come to an agreement with the PRPA."It has to be said," asserted Bryant. "It should be part of your deliberations this week."PRPA chair, Dale Mclean, said he is aware of the frustration, but has no timetable for an agreement."The future of the Tsimshian people and the port are intertwined," McLean said.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Wednesday August 26, 2009

Taking the message to the villages, a snapshot for a budget review at recreation and Gary Coons offers up his thoughts on a possible BC Salmon summit.

THE DAILY NEWS, Front page story, Wednesday, August 26, 2009
MICHELLE SAM HAS A MESSAGE FOR COMMUNITIES-- A UNBC Professor in First Nations social work policy spent a number of days outlining her thoughts on how to empower First Nations Communities to take hold of the future. Wednesday's Daily News outlined some of the points outlined by Michelle Sam, Professor of First Nations social work policy. (see story here) item is reproduced at the bottom of this post.

The city's recreation department sees a review as a the financial picture for the various recreation pursuits of the city comes in for its regular look. This years financial figures show some lost revenue as past events were either cancelled or moved over to other venues in the city (see story here)

Chatter over the proposed HST continues to heat up and some of those local comments made their way into the Daily paper (see story here)

It`s a long climb to the salmon summit proposed for BC by local MLA Gary Coons, but he continues to advocate for such a forum to address the troubling state of Pacific salmon industry (see story here)

NORTHERN VIEW website extra
SOLLY'S PUB CLOSING DOWN THIS WEEKEND-- A long time favourite watering hole (and eatery too) for Prince Rupert will close its doors on Sunday, as Solly's struggling financial as far as the folks at West Coast Hospitality are concerned. The managers of Chances and the Coast hotel outline their reasons for shutting down the east side neighbourhood pub (see story here)

Daily News, headline, front page story:
Michelle Sam has a message for communities
By George T. Baker
The Prince Rupert Daily News
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Heading towards the future requires coming to terms with your past, says Sam.

Michelle Sam's message rang loud and clear and she spent the week sharing it in many Aboriginal communities around the North Coast - communities that still find it hard to deal with their history. Visiting Metlakatla, Hartley Bay and Kitkatla, Sam presented her rationale for rediscovering their ancestry. "It's about an acknowledgement that we need to do things differently," said Sam. "It's an acknowledgement that our history has been shaken but not destroyed."

It's an empowering message and one that perhaps needs to be shared as often as possible, said The University of Northern BC professor of First Nations social work policy.Doing things differently could take on a different aspect for Aboriginals in Canada, who are faced with many challenges few other Canadians have. One of the greatest hurdles is how much - or little - today's aboriginal understands his or her history.

Low levels of literacy, disproportionate health concerns and falling behind on economic growth charts has created a society that is distinct in Canada, but not always in a positive way. However, Sam does not discuss these issues directly. Her talks are far more focused on the realities of a society that was stripped of their culture throughout most of the twentieth century. She's concerned with the implications of that denial of rights and what effect it has had on Aboriginals living in Canada today. "

We don't talk about the realities of welfare, poverty and childcare because in a lot of places these issues are seen as baggage," said Sam.

Sam said these are the very reasons Aboriginals in this country need to really change how they view themselves and their culture's role in Canada. None is bigger than how education and history are valued. And that begins with placing value on the stories that used to be shared among communities.

"We have to put our stories back into our lives to understand our hopes and dreams," said Sam.In some ways that is happening in Prince Rupert with programs such as School District 52's WAP SIGATGYET, where the Tsimshian language of Sm'algyex is nurtured.

However, Sam said she sees contradictions in the way that Aboriginals are trying to fit their culture into western society.

In her presentations, the UNBC professor talks about trying to rebuild and honour the indigenous community and be responsible in a western world at the same time.

Sam has had to come to terms with her own past. Once a homeless woman living on the streets of Toronto, Sam was eventually able to turn her life around, and has since earned several university degrees. She said reconnecting to her heritage was the most crucial aspect of her self-empowerment, which she now shares with others.

"I talk about the things I have learned that have helped me and others to once again invigorate transformation traditions," she said. "

From exile to nation rebuilding, cultural continuity and good governance - we can do so through reviving our ancestors and our roles as ancestors to someone we might never meet."

She talks with communities about what is happening in the world, such as the United Nation's Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Child Rights, and Education as the new buffalo: what does that mean for our children? (Tasking research, relationships, roles and developing responsibility across generations) and about what Aboriginals can do at home to encourage educational success.

Canada is not a signatory on the Declaration. She believes this is because if the federal government were to do so, it would mean that it would have no choice but to accept that the country has not respected the pre-existing rights of Aboriginals. But, she argued, it would be more beneficial for Canada if it did accept that fact because it would allow Aboriginals to feel more at peace with who they are.

And if they reach that point they can do just about anything. "The more people acknowledge their inherent rights, the more people we have that are prepared to accept their roles in society," said Sam.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A first glimpse at the BC Budget, some helpful proclomations for the Port of Prince Rupert, a call for a BC Summit and looking further into the operational climate at Ridley Terminals. Some of the items of note in the Tuesday news cycle.

DAILY NEWS, Headline story, Tuesday, August 25, 2009
PHASE 2 OF THE PORT VITAL TO CANADA`S EXPORT GROWTH-- The Port of Prince Rupert is hosting a gathering of Canada`s top officials when it comes to transportation and our ports, and on day one, they were saying just what Don Krusel would want to hear (see story here) item is provided at the bottom of this post as well.

After another disturbing turn in the salmon season for this year, the NDP is calling for a BC Summit on the state of the west coast fishery. (see story here)

The Daily News continues its look at Ridley Terminals in the wake of the recent events surrounding former chairman Dan Veniez, today`s installment looks at Veniez`s replacement Bud Smith (see story here)

The Sports section for Tuesday reviews the efforts of a trio of retired and current fire fighters who participated in the World Police and Fire Games in Vancouver (see story here)

NORTHERN VIEW website extra
Throne speech highlights for the Northwest-- The Northern View outlined some of the key points for the Northwest from the BC Speech from the Throne on Tuesday (see story here)
Daily News, headline story:
Phase 2 of the port vital to Canada's export growth
By George T. Baker
The Prince Rupert Daily News
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"I would love to see phase two of the container terminal expedited," announced Peter Hall.

At the back of the banquet room on Monday, Don Krusel may have been seated furthest away from Peter Hall, but the president and CEO of the Prince Rupert Port Authority could hear Hall's message as clearly as if it was whispered sweetly into his ear.

Hall, as Export Development Canada's Chief Economist, was addressing an attentive crowd at the 51st Association of Canadian Port Authorities Conference.

The three-day conference is being hosted in Prince Rupert this year at Chances Gaming Centre.

Hall's proclaimed desire for the development of phase two of the port was due to the fact that Canada is currently falling behind in trade growth in comparison to major trading partners.

"Long term, Canada is projecting an eight per cent increase [in trade], but globally the increase will average 11 per cent. However, if phase two went ahead, we would see a 30 to 40 per cent increase in growth in Canada," Hall predicted.

Asia is a major theme at the Association of Canadian Port Authorities Conference. China is quickly becoming the world's largest consumer of goods and most speakers on Monday said they felt Canada should get aboard this boat before it leaves dock. Krusel was pardonably pleased that the Prince Rupert port was recognized as a vital player in the long-term potential of Canadian export. He said his team is certainly willing to get to work on what they can do.

"It is all focused on infrastructure," said Krusel. "This is the age of the Asian Pacific market."The on-going story around Prince Rupert is that the development of the port is linked to the development of the city.

Prince Rupert Mayor Jack Mussallem said Hall's comments were a reflection of what he already believed to be true. "

The fact that Hall mentioned this is not news to many people here, but we need to consider that when we come out on the other side of the [recession] bubble, one of the main challenges for ports will be efficiency. A lot of future is tied to that."

Mussallem added that, for Prince Rupert, one of the challenges of the port's emergence would be determining how the community best capitalizes on its opportunity.

"Part of that will come through our Economic Development Office and the other part in our land use planning. We see ourselves as being a conduit for economic activity in other North American centres," said Mussallem.

The good news that came out of Hall's message was accompanied by a sobering message about telling the recovery story right.

Hall said it is time to say it like it is - that it's time for those pressuring for good news about the economy during a recession to ease. His second message to audience members was that forcing good news into the media only made things worse.

"It's the facts that need to be told," said Hall, pointing out that people wouldn't believe anything else."We are forecasting a two per cent contraction in the Canadian economy for 2009.

Next year we expect a one per cent increase in production - but in an industrialized nation, that folks, is still a recession," said Hall.

If they were mad at the Premier before, imagine what things will be like in a few months!

The forecast for the fall political season to come would appear to be much like the province's fall climate, stormy. That after the Campbell government's speech from the throne on Tuesday, which outlined a few of the directions that this Liberal government is planning on taking the province.

And that direction it would appear would be one of cost cutting and readjustments to expectations, that as the Provincial Liberals battle a skyrocketing deficit (one which will require some fancy rewriting of the "no deficit" provisions of Liberal dogma of late).

Public sector wage freezes, potential layoffs to come, program reviews and possible service delivery changes to such areas as health and education and crown corporation reviews were just some of the points outlined by Lt. Governor Steven Point Tuesday, in what has been described as a grim forecast for the short term financial picture in British Columbia.

It offers up a return to the early days of Gordon Campbell's Premiership, which we remember was highlighted by a rather intense review of all government departments and significant restructuring and cost cutting of the day.

Those days seemed to bring the province the closest it had come to the 1980's and the days of Bill Bennett vs the province's unions in what became a rather dramatic showdown under the Solidarity banner.

Since 2001, the Liberals were fortunate to benefit from a hot economy in their early mandates and thus were able to avoid that drama of the Bennett years, but Act II may provide for much of the same kind of drama, especially if the public service unions suffer the brunt of the government's cost cutting dedication.

While health and education are the natural sparks for any debate in British Columbia these days, we may see both of those potential storms calmed by the recent announcement of the adoption of the HST regimen for BC.

Should the Premier come out with a plan to use the 1.6 billion in Federal transition money to cushion the blow to those two key sectors of British Columbia society, he may find that the opposition to the HST drifts away. Even if it means as Micheal Smyth in the Province puts, being bribed with our own money.

Many will be outlining how the province's current economic misfortune is directly attributable to the Liberals rather hazy recollections over the last year of our true economic picture, (a situation that the Premier attributes to having been deceived by the economy) but with a four year mandate recently secured, it's doubtful that the Liberals and their leader will be losing much sleep over that bit of public bashing.

With four years to try and ride out the storm, offering up some of the bad news and hard decisions early in the mandate is probably their best strategy.

What remains to be seen is if British Columbians currently trying to cope with the declining economy and the impact of it on their lives, will have the time or inclination to join in on what could very well be a loud and angry coalition as the cuts and service adjustments manifest themselves over the next months and years.

Tuesday was really just the pre game show, next week comes Colin Hansen's budget, the true financial blue print for what the Liberals hope to implement and how they will bankroll all of it.

By this time next week we'll have a very good picture of where the province is going and with it what the reaction to those plans will be and how it will play out during this Liberal mandate.

Vancouver Province-- Throne speech highlights
Victoria Times Colonist-- A gloomy start to the Liberals' term
Photo above from BC Government website

Team Canada camp out

The calendar may say August, but for 46 prospective Olympians it may as well be a frosty night in February.

Team Canada opened up its orientation camp on Monday, a chance for the invited to get their first look at the four day adventure that could result in a place on Canada's Olympic Hockey team come next years Olympic games in Vancouver.

The 46 were almost on the ice as soon as they had finished their introductions at the rink, such was the pace that Head Coach Mike Babcock introduced to the four day sessions.

Team Canada GM Steve Yzerman and his management group will be watching with interest to see how the 46 mesh together, trying to divine which members will have the most impact for a February roster position, of the 46 gathered in Calgary on Monday some twenty of them will find disappointment in the end, as Yzerman puts together the combination of 23 that he feels will best deliver Gold to Canada at GM Place.

It's an interesting mix of veterans and rising stars, scoring specialists and hard nosed pluggers that made the invitation list, some there to provide the competitive spirit and game face atmosphere, others hoping that somehow they provide a spark that catches the eyes of Yzerman et al and make for that surprise announcement that may make hockey history.

It being hockey and Olympic hockey at that, the simple process of an opening skate seems to have been covered as if it were game seven of the Stanley Cup final.

Some of the reviews, previews and prognostications as to who will survive this stay on the Babcock Ice flow can be found below.

Aug 24-- Globe and Mail-- Day One: Opportunity for all!
Aug 24-- Globe and Mail-- Team Canada: Who's on the bubble?
Aug 24-- Globe and Mail-- King knows all about home-ice pressure on hockey team
Aug 24-- Globe and Mail-- Lucic a longshot for Olympic team at Canada's camp
Aug 24-- Globe and Mail-- Not just hockey, it's the newest episode of the national drama
Aug 24-- Globe and Mail-- Canada's hockey stars start arriving in Calgary
Aug 22-- Globe and Mail-- Team Canada covers its assets
Aug 21-- Globe and Mail-- High Expectations: There is hockey and there is everything else
Aug 24-- National Post-- Olympic hopefuls take to the ice
Aug 24-- National Post-- Ward knows he’s in tough to make Canadian roster
Aug 24-- National Post-- Let debate begin over 2010 squad
Aug 24-- National Post-- Disappointing playoff exit motivation for Luongo
Aug 24-- National Post-- Smyth feels fortunate to get Olympic camp invite
Aug 24-- National Post-- Calgarians greet Heatley at airport
Aug 23-- National Post-- Olympic camp marks new start for Phaneuf
Aug 20-- National Post-- Iginla for captain, and that's no joke
Aug 24-- Toronto Star-- Team Canada's Cam Ward injured
Aug 24-- Toronto Star-- Let the analysis begin
Aug 23-- Toronto Star-- Olympic hockey camp opens with visions of gold
Aug 25-- Sun Newspapers-- Sid set to lead the gold rush
Aug 25-- Sun Newspapers-- Goalies share pipe dreams
Aug 25-- Sun Newspapers-- Morrow's tomorrow finally arrives after injury
Aug 25-- Sun Newspapers-- Sharks snipers won't lose sleep over having letters stripped
Aug 22-- Sun Newspapers-- All-star cast battles for Team Canada spots
Aug 25-- CBC Sports-- Sore back keeps Ward out 1st practice
Aug 25-- CBC Sports-- Breaking down Canada's Olympic camp invitees
Aug 24-- CBC Sports-- Big Canuck hockey camps: a history
Aug 24-- CBC Sports-- No shortage of storylines for Olympic orientation camp
Aug 21-- CBC Sports-- Nicholson: camp crucial to Olympic success
Aug 24-- TSN-- Iginla, Crosby, Nash work together at camp
Aug 24-- TSN/CTV-- Team Canada/Hockey website
Aug 24-- Sportsnet-- Spector: Productivity over loyalty
Aug 23-- Sportsnet-- The C-hoice is clear
Cross posted from HockeyNation

Podunk Below the Masthead, Monday, August 24, 2009

The search begins for a new coordinator for a popular event, the Northern Adventure gets roped in and a look into some of the intrigue of Ridley Terminals, some of the items of note for a Monday.

DAILY NEWS, Headline Story, Monday, August 24, 2009
RUN FOR THE CURE LOOKING FOR A NEW COORDINATOR-- With Marcela Navarro set for relocation to Victoria, organizers of the annual Run for the Cure are looking for someone to pick up the torch for the October event(see story here) item is also provided at the end of this post.

The weekend troubles of the Northern Adventure were chronicled in the Monday edition of the Daily Paper (see story here)

The weave of intrigue at Ridley Terminals is examined, as George T. Baker outlines some of the findings of Nathan Cullen, the MP for Skeena- Bulkley Valley who has been asking some questions of the current management structure at the Terminal these days (see story here)

And tough economic times may make for cutbacks at the Prince Rupert Public Library as the Provincial government considers changes to what it calls non core funding (see story here)

The sports page features a review of the Prince Rupert Rugby clubs alumni game held over the weekend (see story here)

CFTK News website
Annual Port conference begins-- The Port of Prince Rupert hosts a three day meeting of port officials, politicians and business leaders from across the country (see story here)

Daily News front page, headline story:

Run for the Cure is looking for new coordinator
By Patrick Witwicki

The Prince Rupert Daily News
Monday, August 24, 2009

Marcela Navarro has watched the Prince Rupert version of "Run for the Cure" grow since she began organizing it three years ago.

But she's worried that all of that work might be for nought, if she can't find someone capable of taking over as coordinator for the event.

The CIBC Run for the Cure is a national fundraising event for breast cancer research, and prior to moving to Rupert, Navarro was part of the organizing committee in Prince George.

When she arrived in town, she learned that there was no one available to organize the event, so she took it on, and after moderate success in 2007, participation nearly doubled last year.
So, she's taking the steps necessary to ensure that momentum doesn't dissipate.

"I'm leaving for Victoria, but I would like to find someone to take over," she said.

The 18th annual event will take place Sun. Oct. 4, and if Navarro manages to find a coordinator to take over the reigns, it will once again happen at Pattullo Field.

If anyone thinks the chore for being a coordinator is too monstrous, Navarro is quick to point out that is actually isn't as difficult as one may think. After all, the donations and pledges are entered online ( so in reality, the local coordinator's main job is simply to ensure that the event runs smoothly.

"It's trying to set up for the day," said Navarro. "And we do have support from the Health Sciences Association ( There will be support within the community."

Some duties would include ensuring permission from the city for the event to use Pattullo Field, arrange for the fire department to set up their tent, and of course, most importantly, coordination in trying to get as many people to register as possible.

Donations, as mentioned, take place online, or people can sign up a team to participate in the event.

Registration for this also takes place on the "Run for the Cure" website.

The monies raised get pooled in with what takes place in Prince George, said Navarro, but she added that the money remains in Northern B.C., and benefits Northern Health, whether it's here in town, in Prince George, or even as far east as Dawson Creek.

"Specifically, [it would] go towards mammography here in town," she said.

Finding a cure for breast cancer is at the apex of the fundraising, but as long as enough mammographic equipment is available throughout B.C., at least patients can fight back against cancer and survive.

"Early detection is the most important," said Navarro.

In essence, Navarro is hopeful that Run for the Cure can continue to be held in Rupert for years to come.

"My goal is to find someone who can continue with the work and benefit the community," she said.

Anyone interested in taking over as coordinator is asked to call Navarro directly at 250-627-1218.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Not so fast for the Northern Adventure

There's a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbour
Today for old Rupert she'll sail
Far away from your land of endless sunshine
To my land of rainy skies and gales

With apologies to Roger Whittaker!

BC Ferries having apparently solved the problem of the tightly wound rope among its propulsion system, couldn't solve the problem of the weather.

The Northern Adventure, having spent the weekend in port to make for repairs thanks to the wayward ocean rope, now must sit in port awaiting a break in the weather.

The 11 am sailing from Skidegate to Prince Rupert was suspended due to extreme weather, pending further notice while the Ferry Corporation studies the weather maps and satellite images looking for a window of opportunity to resume service.

The most recent update from BC Ferries, recommends a return to the website's Vessel tracking page (which at this time doesn't even list the Northern Adventure) at 4 pm for an update.

Update 2 pm:

The Queen Charlotte Observer outlines some of the details of the misfortunate weekend for the Northern Adventure and her would be passengers.

Crab trap tangle is ferry's latest misadventure
Queen Charlotte Islands Observer
Monday, August 24
By Alex Rinfret

Almost 500 ferry passengers had their travel plans disrupted over the weekend after the Northern Adventure's propellers got tangled with rope from a crab trap, a mishap which took three days to fix.

BC Ferries spokesperson Deborah Marshall said the tangle was discovered on Friday morning (Aug. 21), soon after the ferry had arrived in Prince Rupert on its regular Thursday night sailing from Skidegate. The crew was investigating why oil was leaking from the vessel, she said, when they found a substantial amount of nylon rope wrapped around the propellers and shaft.

The problem was more complicated than just a tangle. Ms Marshall said the rope had gotten between the seal and the shaft, which could have resulted in serious engine damage. Luckily, divers were able to untangle the rope and fix the damage without the ferry having to leave Prince Rupert.

However, the Friday, Saturday and Sunday sailings from Prince Rupert to Skidegate were all cancelled, as were the Friday night and Saturday night departures from Skidegate to Rupert. A total of 252 passengers had been booked on the sailings from the islands, Ms Marshall said, and 246 passengers were booked on the sailings from Rupert.

Many of the affected passengers turned to the Queen Charlotte visitor information centre for updates on the ferry situation throughout the weekend, said manager Franc Pridoehl. Many said it was difficult to get information directly from BC Ferries, and were just generally frustrated by the entire incident.

"People had trouble finding out what was going on," he said. "Visitors were complaining about poor communication with BC Ferries."

Mr. Pridoehl said BC Ferries provided the info centre staff with regular updates which were passed along to tourists and posted on the front doors. "They were really good with us," he said.

BC Ferries was hoping to have the backlog of passengers cleared by Wednesday, Ms Marshall said, although by Monday morning the scheduled 11 am sailing from Skidegate had been delayed by storm-force winds.

BC Ferries has an agreement with the Area A Crab Association which outlines a designated track through Hecate Strait for ferry travel, Ms Marshall said. Crab fishermen are supposed to keep traps out of this track, and the ferry is supposed to stick to the track unless bad weather forces a deviation.

"We are obviously going to be talking to the crab association about living up to their end of the agreement," Ms Marshall said.

Your cardiologist is making plans to buy a new house!

As you sit down to a lunch time snack, ponder the options!

KFC offers us what we really, really want?

Apparently the bread would just get in the way....

And we wonder why there is an obesity crisis in North America?

Bellying up to Kentucky Fried Chicken's double down
Is Chicken instead of Bread going to far
KFC tests out new artery-clogging burger to rave reviews in America's heartland