Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Podunk is.....

While doing a little mindless blogging tonight I discovered a new distraction on the net called Googlisms. It's a site where you type in your name, hometown, or whatever you wish and a list comes up describing your topic. You can discover your inner you and find out what google.com thinks about it.

To give it a test I popped in Podunk into the search engine, below is what developed.

Podunk Is:

1. a small town (nailed that one pretty good)

2. an Indian name meaning place of many burnings (surely there must be a Podunk in France then!)

3. like the breath of fresh air that we have all been gasping for (I'm thinking of using that as a slug line for the site)

4. for unintellectual thugs (I'd like to think not, thank you very much)

5. considered to be a valuable resource (well we'd like to think so anyways)

6. supposed to beat sucker city (never heard Terrace referred to as sucker city but it could catch on with the locals)

7. good for the temperatures (like goldilocks would say, not too hot, not too cold, mind you it is a little damp)

8. not noted for super criminal activity (we do like to give out traffic tickets though)

9. is improving (well at least according to the folks running for mayor and Podunk council)

10. the bermuda triangle of my life (LOL, truer words may never be spoken)

Have fun googling up your own lists for yourself or your friends.

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