Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Bono, it's Bob get me rewrite!

"The world will be coming to and looking at Canada this June. The older and the emerging economies will be once again be struggling to learn the new 21st century dance of cooperation and possibly even compromise, and this time under Canada’s leadership. The Globe and Mail, one of the world’s great papers of record, has, in a mad rush of blood to the head, agreed to let two Irish pop-singers edit their august journal for one special day, one special edition," -- Part of an announcement on Tuesday outlining the details of a special edition of the Globe and Mail to come next week.

 One isn't fond of Monday's but will be working on one any ways, while the other is still hasn't found what he's  looking for but may have a better idea for it after May 10th.

Together they hope to change Canadians impressions of Africa and raise awareness for the many issues that far too often slip off the radar of the developed world and to do that they will take their message and vast knowledge of the continent direct to Canadian homes.

Bono and Bob Geldof will take over the reins of the Globe and Mail on May 10th, part of a project from the national newspaper to increase the knowledge of its readers about issues from Africa. The editorial slant will examine not only the problems, but the promise of the continent and is designed to be a lead in for the G8 and G20 sessions of June that will be hosted by Canada.

The Globe is partnering with the pop stars awareness brand One, which has been designed over the years to raise awareness of and money for any number of African issues and concerns. Monday's special edition will also feature a number of contributors from Africa, who will share their experience and insight into the issues of Africa, providing a viewpoint from mainstream journalists, to bloggers and grassroots activists.

The project will also seek the contributions of Canadians with an online session planned with Bono and Bob Geldof, as well as the opportunity to submit opinions and thoughts in a variety of modes. In fact, new technology and interactive features will highlight much of the paper's on line presence that day.

It's an ambitious endeavour for the paper, though one that doesn't come without a bit of risk. Over the years there has been at times a backlash towards the two pop stars for their in your face style of advocacy and occasional lecturing on the issues of Africa. By providing the two with such an important platform the paper could get caught up in some of that backlash.

The occasional sniping from the sidelines doesn't seem to have deterred either Bono or Geldof from their mission however, and they will no doubt make the most of their opportunity that the Globe has provided them.

It's that kind of advocacy journalism that sometimes seems to have become a part of the past in Canada, for one day the Globe is willing to take a step back towards that direction, it should all make for a most interesting edition to roll of the presses and across the internet on Monday.

One website

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