Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Using all his Presidential powers to right a wrong!

President Barack Obama weighed in on one of the most discussed topics of the last few days in America, no not that never ending debate on health care, nor the tentative recovery of that very fragile American economy.

No, the topic making the news cycle (well TMZ's news cycle anyways) was his thoughts on the rude behaviour of Kanye West at the MTV Video Music Awards, an event in which Mr. West shattered the moment for young Taylor Swift with his thought that perhaps she was unworthy of the award...

During the lead up to an interview with CNBC, (we suspect on the economy eh), the President was casually asked about what he thought of the entertainment topic of the day.

The President tells it like it was, with a pointed reference to West and most likely an embargo on any of his music in the near future around the White House...

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