While the business climate in Prince Rupert may still be a bit stagnant, the growth potential for the local Prince Rupert and District Chamber of Commerce seems pretty good.
From the West, members of the Chamber of Commerce chapters of the Queen Charlotte Islands are giving active consideration to joining forces with their counterparts in Prince Rupert.
From the West, members of the Chamber of Commerce chapters of the Queen Charlotte Islands are giving active consideration to joining forces with their counterparts in Prince Rupert.
The Chambers of the Charlotte's have been experiencing problems in getting new members or even existing members to attend to their meetings, frustrating local organizers and leading to the thought that merging into the larger Prince Rupert operation might help spur some interest.
The Queen Charlotte Islands Observer provided the background on the situation on Haida Gwai and what they hope achieve by crossing Hecate Strait.
If nothing else, the dinners will surely consist of bounties of the seas, as the Charlotte's as we all know are home to some of the most delicious crab and fish that the north coast has to offer...
QCI Chamber plans to join Rupert's
Queen Charlotte Islands Observer
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Queen Charlotte Islands Chamber of Commerce is likely to join forces with the chamber in Rupert, after a meeting Sunday evening in Port Clements.Chamber members voted to investigate joining the Rupert chamber, and will form a transition committee to look into how to proceed.
The move comes after almost two years of inactivity on the chamber's part. Despite having a solid membership base of well over 60 businesses, the chamber has struggled for years with low attendance at meetings.
"I think it is pretty sad, three to four business people showing up to a meeting, that is sad," said Cacilia Honisch at the meeting Sunday.
The chamber may pay the first year's membership fees for island members in the Rupert chamber. Joining forces with Prince Rupert may not be the perfect solution, but it would be a lot better than the nothing the chamber here is doing now, those attending the meeting heard.
Anyone interested in the plan can get in touch with the following;
Urs Thomas, Port, 557-4325 info@goldenspruce.ca
Dutes Dutheil, Tlell, 557 9324. ddutheil@qcislands.net
Winston Shave, WC, 559-8481, wgs@qcislands.net
Those attending also discussed the possibility of the Sandspit chamber joining Rupert as well, since it apparently is suffering similar problems.
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