Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Somebody take away this mans cell phone priviliges...

"Hold on there Ahmadinejad, before you launch them things, i have to take this call"

Sometimes a little connectivity can be a bad thing!

The latest bonehead in political land is Rudy Giuliani, who took time out of a speech for the National Rifle Association to take a phone call from his wife! While we're sure that the NRA supporters are most likely family oriented, we suspect they also cast sideways glances at men who have the wife constantly checking up on them.

The NRA phone in was the second time that Giuliani has taken a call from his wife Judi while on the campaign trail, maybe she's giving him polling results or talking points as they go.

It's endearing for sure, that Rudy and Missus are in constant contact, but sometimes you'd like to think that the would be leader of the free world would dedicate a fair chuck of his time on the big issues of the day, rather than whether he should pick up eggs and bread on the way back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

You know, if folks were to base their political choices on some of the snippets that Jon Stewart of the Daily show features on a nightly basis, there would be a lot less names on the ballot come November of 2008.

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