Saturday, November 05, 2005

What if no one passes the final exam?

It's too bad that Jon Stewart's Daily Show doesn't air on Friday nights, cause he'd have a field day with this one.

George Bush has ordered his ordered his White House staffers to attend compulsory ethics lessons. Lessons which are apparently designed to teach wayward, or would be wayward White House staffers the difference between right and wrong. And just to keep things moving along, the seminars will include sessions on the proper way to handle confidential documents (shred, shred, shred???) . The sessions will be hosted by White House counsel, Harriet Miers who found herself with a bit of time on her hands, after her Supreme Court nomination was tossed in the permanent Out box.

The meetings come far too late for Scooter, but hey, Karl and the crew can surely use the refresher course. The only question that remains is where in Washigton can they find a room big enough to handle the crowd. There seem to be more than a few in DC, that could use an introduction to ethics, never mind a refresher course.

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