Monday, September 08, 2008

The election media spin (Federal edition)

As the political parties open up their storefront offices and the various leaders spread out near and far (not quite so far in Quebec for the Bloc), the nations media likewise is sending out its battalions of reporters and opinion shapers to seek out the truth, or if nothing else a good story or two to tell.

From the main networks and major news publications, to the competing opinion poll firms, the number crunching has just begun as they seek to turn a sliver of information into a landslide victory for somebody, anybody!

We'll provide links to the various outlets and their website homes for the duration of the election, by clicking on it daily you'll be keeping up to date on the latest news and trends, successes and disasters.

The Publications

The Television networks

The Pollsters

The Party Websites
The Bloggers
Mainstream version
National Post-Live blog
Globe and Mail--Norman Spector
Globe and Mail--Andrew Steele
Globe and Mail--Douglas Bell
Globe and Mail--Silver/Powers
Toronto Star--Campaign notebook
Macleans--Inkless Wells
Macleans--Blog Central
Macleans--Capital Read
The Wild West of the Internet (we'll add more as we come across them)

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