The five day festival of government known as the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention gets underway today in Penticton.
Prince Rupert's delegation led by Mayor Herb Pond, will take part in a number of workshops and information sessions over the course of the next five days.
As the Daily News outlined last week, the Mayor is hopeful to stress to the Provincial government some of the social and economic concerns that are affecting Prince Rupert these days, while at the same time continuing the pitch for more infrastructure for the region including the much desired access to Digby Island and beyond.
The ambitous convention program provides for a full agenda of activities for the delegation which will include city councillors and senior staff members who are joining the mayor in order to get the Prince Rupert message across.
The idea behind this annual gathering is for local municipalities to gain access to provincial government officials, learn more about how other communities are handling issues and just as important we assume, provide the opportunity to network, just in case the delegates should one day be in need of alternate employment outside of the municipal scene.
Things get underway bright and early at 8:30 am when delegates can take an Agricultural study tour, from there a great number of workshops and info session take place ranging from Financing local government, to homelessness and Reconciling Aboriginal Rights & Title, just to name a few.
As the week progresses, we look forward to hearing much of our civic leaders exploits in the sunny Okanagan, as they share ideas, resolutions and stories with their fellow travellers in the world of municipal government.
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