The Prince Rupert RCMP is looking for more participants in its auxiliary program.
To give Rupertites an idea as to what is involved as far as comittment and training, the RCMP will hold another information session on Thursday night at Northwest Community College.
The session which takes place in room 188, gets underway at 7 pm and will provide interested would be applicants with some background on the duties of an auxiliary and how it could lead to a full time position in law enforcement.
The Daily News featured the call for participants as the front page headline story in Wednesdays paper.
People are invited to learn what it takes to become an auxiliary
By Kris Schumacher
The Daily News
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
By Kris Schumacher
The Daily News
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pages one and two
The Prince Rupert RCMP is still hoping to get several more citizens signed-on to their Auxiliary Constable Program which will commence shortly.
"The last one was held July 24th and was well attended, but we are still a few volunteers short of training a 'troop,'" said Community Policing Officer Krista Vrolyk.
"We are looking for a few more dedicated individuals and will be holding another Auxiliary Constable Info Session tomorrow night at 7 p.m. at Northwest Community College in Room 188."
Volunteering their time in the community, Auxiliary Constables are citizens who perform authorized functions in support of strategies to enhance public safety in the cities, towns and villages they live in.
While their primary function is to participate in community policing activities aimed at public safety and crime prevention, Auxiliary Constables like Dan Trask and Mike Pilon are also called up when there are big events in town or when serious situations escalate and the police need large numbers to coordinate things. Events like the All-Native Basketball Tournament and Seafest always require additional police presence, as do emergencies like the recent bomb scares and gas leak that required as many officers as possible to assist.
"We ask for a two-year commitment to the program, and it gives some people who are sort of interested in law enforcement a taste of what it's like," said Vrolyk. "Which means essentially, you'll have a year to do auxiliary work, write the exam, and then if successful within a year get a call to go to Depot."
Auxiliary Constables in Prince Rupert are active in crime prevention programs, home and business safety checks, child identification programs, personal safety lectures and demonstrations, community and special events, SpeedWatch as well as police ride-a-long functions.
In order to qualify to take the program, people must be a minimum of 19 years of age, a Canadian citizen, be of good character and reputation and must have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Would-be auxiliaries must also possess a valid B.C. drivers licence, be in good physical condition, and successfully obtain an RCMP security clearance.
"One of the things the RCMP members really enjoy is that these guys are locals. They know who's who, they know the fastest routes and where we might find people," said Vrolyk.
"Their local knowledge really helps us because a lot of us are just coming into town from another community, and most auxiliaries have been here forever."
The RCMP will be offering winter training classes for the Auxiliary Constable Program starting this fall, with the new group graduating in Spring 2009. Anyone with any questions about the RCMP Auxiliary Constable program is asked to attend the information session on Thursday or contact Const. Krista VROLYK at (250)-622-7700.
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