Sunday, April 01, 2007

It’s a day for all the fools

April 1st, it’s the much anticipated day of foolery and pranks. Apparently a few days late for Podunk, as it would appear that this year we celebrated the day of fools last Wednesday afternoon.

Indeed, April Fools Day landing on a Sunday, just seems like such a waste of a good day for pranks. Many people will have barely rolled out of bed by the time the prankster’s deadline of noon has passed, daring anyone to become the fool by pranking after the noon hour.

It’s unfortunate in a way, from radio disc jockeys, to office and class clowns, April 1st is the day that sees almost as much real time research and preparation put into tomfoolery, as a final term paper in University might find.

Short of your priest or minister shocking the congregation witha proclomation that maybe religion isn’t the answer, and then laughingly declaring April Fools, there’s a pretty slim chance that today, you’ll be overly pranked.

Short of the young ones around the house trying to get the best of you in your sleep deprived state, you may find this April Fool’s Day to be a rather quiet one.

So while we try to cook up the ultimate in April Fool’s pranks for a new year, here’s a few of the best pranks in history and a few of the pranks that perhaps didn’t quite meet up to the standard of a good prank.

Trace the course of April Fools Day through history here, and check out this website dedicated to all things Foolish on April 1st, for after all if you’re prepared, perhaps the jokes won’t be on you!

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