Sunday, October 01, 2006

Podunkian Music Club-September 30

Great Big Sea-Consequence Free

Great Big Sea--Consequence Free

Well we had hoped to have the actual YouTube player show up in the piece here, but the blooger beta gremlins aren't communicating with the YouTube gremlins and for whatever reason we can't load the video to the blog. Thus our usual Saturday night Podunkian Music Club selection shows up on a Sunday, (shrug) what can you do.

So, instead, just click on the line above in Red and the video will play. We're hoping to get these things figured out before too long.

As for the selection, Great Big Sea is one of those great musical exports fron Newfoundland, a wild and rowdy kitchen party right there in your computer. They lyrics are witty, the music infectious.

The band has had a number of hits during its run up the Canadian music charts and provide a change of pace from the regular cookie cutter band formula. Consisting of Sean McCann, Alan Doyle, Bob Hallet, Murray Foster and Kris MacFarlane, the group brings some of the rockin' soul of the rock to iPods, radios and venues across Canada.

With a combination of the Newfoundland folk sound, combined with some straight ahead rock and roll Great Big Sea brings a full ahead sound to each tune. Songs that have you tappin' your toes and singing along in short time.

Just by listening to the their tracks you get the feeling that you probably couldn't go wrong by checking them out when they drop by your hometown.

Group- Great Big Sea
CD- Turn

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