Thursday, June 08, 2006

More Homer than Phil

With Father’s Day only a bit over a week away, Hallmark Cards has made a rather interesting discovery, Dad’s think they’re funnier than their offspring do! D’oh!

92% of all Dads feel that they have a great sense of humour, a sentiment shared by only 6 of 10 kids surveyed, so hmmm, there’s some serious disconnect out there. And the evidence is out there that perhaps Dad’s aren’t as funny as they think!

In the Hallmark Survey, two thirds sometimes forget how a joke goes once they've started to tell it and 58% have forgotten the punch line

- Nine out of ten said they sometimes tell corny jokes and the majority of kids agree

- 84% of dads confessed their jokes have bombed, although kids tend to be less critical of dad's joke-telling abilities (74%)

Of course part of the reason that many Dad’s think they’re on top of their humour game is the role models they follow.

75 percent of the Dad’s surveyed said they got by on their on wits and sense of humour, while 10% felt that they followed in the shoes of Television guru Dr. Phil, 15% found a more relatable role model in Springfield’s own Dad of the Year, Homer Simpson. Homer’s appeal grew even larger in the 18-34 demographic where fully one quarter of all surveyed said that Homer was the man!

Gift buying should be simple for that group, a joke tellers guide to humour and a round of Duff beer for everyone when the day comes around.

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