Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Google’s quest for global domination

The Google site that once started out as a simple browser engine, has apparently quietly marched on its way to being a one stop computer clearing house for every conceivable need.

And it seems that Google is playing hardball with its properties. Grabbing this weeks hot video of the internet for it's own.

I discovered the latest project from the folks at Google, while reading this story on last weeks appearance by Stephen Colbert at the White Correspondents Press Dinner.

The video of that classic rebel meets authority figures has been played out to millions on the likes of You Tube and IFilm, well that is until May 3rd when C-SPAN asked both of those internet video sites to cease and desist. It seems that the coverage of the Dinner is now the exclusive domain of C-SPAN and Google which began running it on their Google Video site on May 5th.

When you click on the Google video site you now receive a number of video options available through the Google service. There is a wide range of interests listed there, from the Da Vinci code quest to an amazing juggler. It’s just the latest niche that Google is trying to rein in as their own.

They have obviously seen the success of YouTube and IFilm and now are turning their attention to content to rival those early success stories.

Now with a bit more exploration I find that Google is about to reach into the world of medicine, taking on the likes of Dr. Koop.com and other medical sites with something called Google Health apparently to be announced later today (May 10).

It will be just the latest move from Google to take its brand into further uncharted areas of the internet. One more step on the road to internet domination.

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