Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Colbert invades the White House Corespondents Dinner

Over the weekend the White House Press Corps held its annual White House Correspondents dinner. It's a wild evening of one liners, humourous anecdotes and general tom foolery, it included an alter ego for the President, kind of the lil devil sitting on a shoulder who said what the President really thinks. It was a big hit at the dinner, best known for political zingers and seemed well received.

However, the real talking point from the night was that of featured speaker Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's Colbert Report. Colbert's appearance at the event has had people talking since he sat down from the microphone after a pretty entertaining bit of satire dressed up as deep abiding respect.

His show is basically a satirical look at the likes of the Fox News shows like the O'Reilly Factor and such, so with a Republican president in place on the dais and Fox News forces in the audience you can imagine the fun generated at the expense of the high, the mighty and the pompous.

Some reviews were of high praise and courage, others of high treason, always a sign that you've hit the right marks for a comedian! More importantly his appearance has spurred on debate about what the President should hear or be told, or how they should handle such a broadside as delivered by Colbert.

Check out Colbert's contribution to comedic shock and awe here.

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