Tuesday, February 03, 2004

We don't like him, we really, really don't like him!

Primary and caucus day in the US today. And while the Democrats go about separating the contenders from pretenders, we turn our attention to the Republicans. Maclean's has released an interesting survey about who Canadians support in the USA, and by a vast majority we would never be a Republican bastion.

If we could vote in an American election, only 15 percent would mark their X (or dangle their chad) for George W. Bush. Whether it's his smug smile, the creation of new words unknown to man or the swagger of his walk, we apparently would choose otherwise. In a secondary question 43% of poll respondents said they believe Canada is worse off with Mr. Bush in office. Maybe this is why former Prime Minister Chretien had such a disregard for his counterpart in Washington, it was pure politics.

Perhaps this could work in our favour, for as long as the Republicans keep getting re-elected there would be no chance of any annexation, what political operative would want to hand over 85 percent of a voting block to the Opposition. Hard to believe, but Canadian Nationalists should be solidly for Bush, helping the cause, getting out the vote. It could be a matter of national self-preservation.

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