Friday, February 20, 2004

A shift in the wind

Well the agents of right wing political thought, speech and deed, seem to be cannibalizing each other with glee. While Richard Perle and David Frum make the book tour rounds, flogging their latest tome, "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terrorism", the critics are stomping over each other to rebut their theories.

Now you might expect Michael Moore to compose a weighty response, to the Armageddon like ravings of the right wing doubles team. Or Al Franken, to vent with a sequel to his Liars collection: Really Rightwing Rejects; and The relatively ridiculous righties who repeat them. The book reply would be right up their alley.

But what's this? The most thoughtful, if slightly histrionic, rebuttal to everything Perle and Frum believe in, is none other than Patrick J. Buchanan, with a piece for the American Conservative. Huh, what? Yep Pat who is slightly to the right of Augusto Pinochet at times, has put together a scathing indictment of the Terror Twins, as they put forth their pax Americana militaris. Buchanan who has always been a walls up on the drawbridge kind of guy, takes them to task for their belief that American force must be used in every brush fire in the world. He lashes out at the duo of doom, as they put forward a Monroe Doctrine for the new century. Your mouse will move at a rapid clip down the page, devouring every word, watching shreds of Perle, pieces of Frum scattered along the bytes, barely taking a breath with Pat, as he spits out more venom, an evisceration by illiteration.

Mostly Buchanan, focuses on Perle, as a matter of fact he's quite dismissive of young David's talents. Saving his most succinct put down to a simple term, "he's not even American, he's a Canadian" apparently that explains it all one assumes. For surely a Canadian has no right to give guidance to the world's strongest super power, and uh, well sometimes even Pat hits on the head. Because young Mr. Frum really does not have the gravitas nor the resume, for solving the world's problems on a few scraps of paper and some binding. But, for God's sake, don't tell Pat I said that.

Over at Sean Incognito is a well thought out, excellently prepared review of this right wing brouhaha. Sit back, grab a brew (or something stronger if you're a right winger) and check it out. Pick your sides, sit back and watch the fireworks. A red, white and blue, cascade of criticism.

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