Monday, March 02, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Friday, February 27, 2009

The always emotional topic of wolves in the area, an announcement that the wheels are in motion to work on the steps for the next phase of the Fairview Port development and a ripped from the press release outline of changes for Northern Health provided Friday's main content.

THE WOLVES ARE AT THE DOOR IN PORT EDWARD-- The big black type highlighted the always eye catching story that wolves have once again decided to hang out with the humans. Friday's Daily News outlined some of the concerns that Port Edward residents have as the howling dogs of spring return to the village.

The Port of Prince Rupert announced that the environmental assessment phase of the Fairview Container Port project will go ahead next month, the paper outlining some of the ports thoughts on the expansion issue.

Northern Health's Chief Operating Officer for the Northwest, Marina Ellinson provided the copy and the Daily news provided the forum, as the health official turned into a stringer for the paper with the latest details on how Northern health is working on the Prince Rupert doctor's shortage.
George T. Baker offered up an editorial page primer on in camera meetings and the need for transparency in local government, however the lesson plan focused on the tribulations of Vancouver politics, seemingly avoiding the current controversial moments of Prince Rupert City Council's most recent gathering.

Total pages in the Friday edition (18)

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