Friday, May 13, 2005

It rained today!

Now folks familiar with Podunk may find that an unusual thing to state, as rain is one of the main events here in Greater Podunk. But the last three weeks have for the most part been unusually hot, sunny and quite enjoyable. Hence my lack of entries to ye old Podunk. Frankly, spending time toiling by a keyboard while the Sun beats down on normally soggy shores didn't seem like a fine bit of time management on my part. I would much rather work the lawn, watch the young folk play their sports and enjoy the heat. Anchored to a computer just wasn't in the plans I'm afraid, my apologies to the regulars who found entries few and far between!

Not only was the weather rather conducive to outdoor pursuits but the first two weeks of May have been rather busy ones around these parts, we've had soccer tourneys to attend, Cub camps to take part in, a Carnival rolled through town separating parents from their money supply and some landscaping jumped up and demanded to be done. All of which has kept me from regular postings of any kind.

Not that there hasn't been a lot to write about, as I heaved a shovel or cheered on a soccer player my mind was running through the weeks events, Steve Nash setting Canadian pride up a few notches with his MVP award in the NBA. A true team player such as he deserves the accolades he has received in the last few days and those with the sour grapes about his success can just go find a dark room and sit down.

Speaking of people who need a time out, we watched with horror as the children on Parliament Hill laid to rest forever the concept of mature parliamentary debate. Watching the four donkeys of the political apocalypse bicker over the pathetic happenings in Ottawa, makes one wonder if the nation is truly worth saving.

The most disgusting of the behavior happened over the weekend just past, our four political party leaders let their partisan posturing stand in the way of honoring our veterans. For some inexplicable reason, these four morons believed that by arriving a day late and more than a dollar short all would be forgiven by those that should never be taken for granted. Wrong and wrong again. By letting their political chicanery take precedence over what really should have mattered, the four leaders of Canada's political parties showed they really have no concept anymore about what is truly important.

Surely they could have reached an agreement by mid week last to suspend the silly games of Ottawa so as to attend the commemorative ceremonies in Holland. Instead we were treated the sight of the four dashing to Europe a day late to show their political flags at a thrown together ceremony, a full day after the heartfelt admiration from the Dutch citizenry was shown across Canada. One wonders why they just didn't stay home and take their lumps.

We have not be well served these last few weeks by our elected officials in Ottawa, judgment day may soon arrive for all of them, I wouldn't be counting on a return to office for many of these petulant nobodies.

There is still much to write about, the ongoing soap opera from Ottawa, an election in BC and even some hockey that actually means something. But alas, it will all have to wait.

I could vent on some more and perhaps I will, but not just yet. Another hectic weekend beckons with things that really matter, not the things that our politicians would like us to think matter. I'll take a break from them again for a bit, perhaps if I take a long enough break they won't be there when I come back!

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