Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dennis Miller's CNBC gabfest RIP!

The folks at CNBC have decided to stop scaring all those businessmen home from the Wall Street Wars, by having Dennis Miller take leave of the financial network's studios. Miller who never seems to take a prisoner has had his show cancelled by CNBC which has decided to concentrate on business matters in the time slot. Hmmm, whoda thunk it.

At any rate, with Miller's departure comes an end to an interesting experiment in business television, no more rants, no more varsity and no more monkeys, and with his departure one less bellicose voice on the right to rail away at the foibles of the world. My friend Sean at seanincognito wishes Miller a speedy retirement, whereas I'll actually miss the man with the thesaurus in his mind. In fact I looked back into my Podunks to see what I said about the debut of Dennis Miller Live back in January. And then offered up some suggestions as the show launched.

My cable provider long ago terminated CNBC from our tier of available channels, providing us instead with three different feeds from Detroit for the latest in motor city mayhem. So I've been out of the loop as far as Dennis goes for quite a while. I must admit though I actually did enjoy his show from time to time, though the monkey thing never really made any sense to me. I'm sure he'll follow the lead of Bill Maher and take his verbosity and political leanings to the likes of HBO or Showtime, so soon we'll probably be able to either cheer or jeer.

He may have annoyed many a liberal with his conversion to the dogma of the right, but one thing was certain he was never ever boring. Unlike the channel which has just sent him on his way!

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