Wednesday, November 04, 2009

It's the economy (November 4, 2009)

More and More Canadians are exahusting their EI claims, It's the Highway to Riches for Angus and the lads and Mickey and Minnie set up home in Shanghai, some of the items of note for Wednesday.

Globe and Mail-- Ranks of people exhausting EI grow
Globe and Mail-- Why is oil already so high?
Globe and Mail-- Toronto Star plans staff shakeup
National Post-- G-20 divided on bank rules, Flaherty says
National Post-- At least Magna investors are happy
National Post-- Tim Hortons feels the love
Vancouver Sun-- BC Hydro board shuffles CEO Bob Elton aside
Vancouver Sun-- Earnings plunge for discount airline WestJet
Vancouver Province-- B.C. grid could support 2.5m plug-in vehicles
New York Times-- Cuomo Files Federal Antitrust Suit Against Intel
New York Times-- Fed Sees No Need to Raise Rates Soon
New York Times-- Chrysler Chief Says Its Finances Are Improving
USA Today-- Buffett: Railroad business is 'in tune with the future'
USA Today-- Kellogg pulls immunity claim from Rice Krispies
Times online UK-- Intel hit with antitrust lawsuit over 'illegal threats'
Times online UK-- GM says it plans to cut 10,000 jobs at Opel
Times online UK-- Lord Burns to be named C4 chairman
Guardian UK online-- 10,000 jobs still at risk despite General Motors decision on Opel
Guardian UK online-- RBS boss Stephen Hester's bonus will be linked to lending performance
Telegraph UK online-- MPC’s 'feeble six’ need to do their jobs before the economy falls off a cliff
Telegraph UK online-- Vauxhall workers are advised to put the celebrations on hold
Telegraph UK online-- It's the economy, stupid, not asset prices, that should worry us
Telegraph UK online-- UK is 'skint’ says Marks & Spencer’s Sir Stuart Rose
Victoria Herald Sun-- PM Kevin Rudd wishes banks were as quick cutting rates
Victoria Herald Sun-- Steel glut tipped to worsen
Victoria Herald Sun-- AC/DC tops BRW entertainment rich list, ahead of Kylie Minogue and the Wiggles
Brisbane Times-- Investment down $42b
Brisbane Times-- Retirees investing way out of their depth
Brisbane Times-- Adviser's China know-how doubt
People's Daily on line-- Overseas investment helps bankroll recovery-
People's Daily on line-- Shanghai Disneyland program approved
The Times of India-- Gold conquers yet another peak
The Times of India-- Rupee stronger by 35 paisa against dollar

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