Tuesday, June 05, 2007

In the end, the Plebeians will always have their day!

Big trouble in Big Banking, as the CIBC finds itself on the business end of a class action lawsuit, one that features the serfs of banking looking for their fair share of gold coin from those vaults in the huge Toronto towers.

A wee lass of a teller has become the face of revolt as the Bank of Commerce faces a lawsuit to recoup perhaps millions and millions of dollars in lost over time wages, 600 million in fact, of wages denied to the front line workers by management.

In what promises to be a war heavily weighted in favour of the tellers, the Bank of Commerce will have the unenviable position of trying to explain why, contrary to Canada labour laws, they refused to allow their tellers to claim over time for hours worked in excess of their scheduled work week.

The bank has thirty days to have its lawyers craft their response to the revolution in the ranks.

Though they may wish to consult their mission statement for advice on the situation: At CIBC, we are in business to help our clients, employees, and shareholders achieve what matters to them.

We gather in this instance, fair pay for a fair amount of work; would be "what matters".

A suggestion for the folks at CIBC, don’t let this one go to a jury!

Unless it’s a jury that somehow is made up of Bank presidents!

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