Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ugh, man I’m not ready for this talk!

Bad enough you have to worry about your kid’s potential sex life, but now your parents too!

It seems that we need to blame the little blue pill and an apparently more willing seniors population, but the incidence of STD’s is rising at an alarming rate at seniors villages. With the old folks feeling healthier longer into their seniors years and still apparently ready to do more than play bingo and darts, there are some serious health concerns never actually thought of by your retirement health plan coordinators. Slate has the full story here.

There are reports of seniors hooking up with each other in the television lounge and heading off for Viagra pile before calling it an evening, leaving the medical staff to deal with the repercussions of unprotected sex.

Great, so now in addition to making sure that your folks are taking their meds, balancing their cheque books and eating regularly, now you have to add sex education to the to do list. And the cycle of life makes another circle!

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