Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Big Picture with Gilles Duceppe

They haven’t even held the next referendum, but already Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc Quebecois are looking at the military needs of an Independent Quebec.

Duceppe explores the possibilities in a Canadian Press article in which he says Quebec will have an Army and a Security Service to provide protection for the anticipated new nation. He tosses aside the old concerns from the old guard of sovereigntists, many of whom would prefer a brave new nation without arms. Duceppe, however feels that the time has come to bring about a bit of evolution to the independiste debate. He now talks seriously of providing a well equipped military, one ready to take its place in the UN and NATO and one that would have to be prepared to go to war. I wonder how that will play in the towns and villages.

Considering some of the historical debates in Quebec over conscription and military matters, it could be a lively bit of theatre when the Bloc gets together on October 28th for its policy meetings.

As for the equipment for a new Quebec military, Duceppe says that the need for assets to deal with the threats of today will be a priority. Expensive mistakes (like those of the current government, in his opinion) won’t be welcome in a Quebec military.

I guess Canadians had best put away any thoughts of pawning off some old equipment then, in any eventual dissolution of the federation. Duceppe sees no need for Submarines for instance, so our current fleet of less than sea worthy boats is going to be ours for the long term it appears.

One assumes that the Sea Kings probably won’t be welcomed with open arms either.

It should be interesting to see what kind of a budget a new Quebec would offer up for arming those that will stand on guard for them. Considering Canada is routinely one of the lowest spenders of GDP in the developed world towards its military, it’s an interesting bit of wordplay for Duceppe to be suggesting that money will have to be spent in Quebec, when the Bloc hasn’t exactly been clamoring for a huge expenditure for the current Canadian military.

Then again, perhaps they’ll be spending their grad money when they leave the nest. Like any young person heading out on their own, shiny new toys are always the best toys.

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