Friday, July 15, 2005


Who would have thought that in this era of computer games, Ipods, Gameboys, XBoxes, DVD's and such that books would still become a major story.

But the creative marketing machine behind the Harry Potter books seems to have managed to make reading as cool as cool can be. With parties and late night openings all geared to midnight tonight and the release of the sixth of the Harry Potter series.

J. K. Rowling may never imagined that her franchise would weave such a spell over the young people of the world, but if anything the mania over Harry seems to grow with each release. Even here in Podunk, the town's two books stores have brought in their load of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and plan on a midnight release. Go figure, Friday night and everyone is talking about books. Mr. Gutenburg would be so proud!

On the other side of the country is a young 10 year old boy from Windsor, Ontario who has been flown to Newfoundland by Indigo books, winner of their Harry Potter contest. Curtis Holden, stands or most likely sits, ready to make North American history as he cracks open his copy of the Half Blood Prince. Curtis' only worry, that he may fall asleep before the midnight hour, letting history pass him by. One suspects he'll be wide awake as the clock strikes twelve, the only question is will he finish the book in one sitting or save a few chapters for another day.

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