Saturday, June 18, 2005

Downloading Lizzie

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has gone digital. The next time you see her on one of those tedious Royal walkabouts, Her Majesty may be working the crowd to the beat of a new generation.

Prince Andrew who apparently introduced the monarch into the world of the mobile phone in 2001 is the one behind the move to get the Queen groovin' to an Ipod. The Queen who it seems is a great fan of music, selected an Ipod with capacity to hold over 10,000 downloaded songs.

One wonders if the Queen will be staying up late into the night downloading her favourite subjects efforts or if she'll delegate that job to an "official downloader". Regardless it's quite the coup for Ipod, perhaps they can get one of those Royal Warrants of approval for their product.

In the meantime, we assume that the bytes are loading fast as the Queen selects her favourites. Feel free to help the old gal out with a few selections in our comment section!

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