Monday, October 24, 2005

Pierre Trudeau was not the only one to know a fuddle

For those that found themselves far too busy on Saturday night to take in the Parliamentary Press Dinner (apparently on tv you know). Joseph Planta from the, offers up a wonderful recap of the highlights.

Our politicians are not always the wooden, uninspiring mannequins that we see on the news. Sometimes they can throw out a one liner that brings down the house. Of course this is why speech writers in Ottawa can make or break a politician. A snappy one liner at the Press Dinner can change an politician's coverage for months to come.

This years Dinner, (which is one of the hot tickets in Ottawa, perhaps indicative of the cultural life in the capital these days) provided a number of memorable moments it seems. From Paul Martin's photo collection of less than flattering snaps, to Stephen Harper's impersonations and Jack Layton's karaoke showcase the night was from all accounts a giant hit. But no event was better received, than when former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, by video tape, offered up his take on the recent published efforts of Peter C. Newman.

The short and sweet synopsis of Mulroney's thoughts on Newman, brought the Gallery to its feet. Perhaps public demand will put the Galleryshow into rerun on CPAC, it could very well be the highest rated show on the network all year!

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