Monday, November 02, 2009

Some neighbourly advice for our friends in Kitimat

The City of Prince Rupert (or at least it's Mayor) is offering up some advice for Kitimat City council on how best to approach the sudden departure of a major industry. High among the helpful suggestions, that of the need to continue to seek out other employment options for their community, a quest that hasn't exactly been getting quick results in Rupert these days.

CFTK's Sahar Nassimdoost caught up with Mayor Mussallem last week and provided a video report on his thoughts today, outlining how his fellow politicians in Kitimat could reconcile their budget concerns with the disappearance of some much needed tax revenue.

Among the Mayor's budgetary recommendations were:

Cut where you can, don't comprimise your services, perhaps vary your level of services.

Continue to work through your difficulties focus and redirect your efforts.

Interestingly enough and fortunately for Kitimat residents, he didn't suggest the idea of residential and commercial tax increases. Something that the Rupert council hasn't been shy about putting in place over the years, despite the ever declining tax base that has been a constant as the economic prospects decline.

The CFTK report was made available on YouTube earlier on Monday.

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