Somebody warn the circulation department, there may be two new cancellations to mark in the books at the Daily News.
Monday’s paper features a joint declaration of sorts from both Prince Rupert Mayor Herb Pond and Port Edward Mayor Dave MacDonald, that the Daily News just doesn’t get it, or at least didn’t get it right.
The two mayors respond the to the impression left from a George T. Baker story on a recent gathering of Northwest communities that “they had little idea whether or not the process would be worth much” a negative connotation and not the only one, that they have observed from the Daily News of late.
They vent their displeasure on page four.
Letter to the Editor
Prince Rupert Daily News
Monday, November 10, 2008
Page four
To the editor,
Having just completed our third and most invigorating gathering of North Coast communities ever, we were stunned to read that we “had little idea whether or not the process would be worth much,” (Daily News, Nov 6, Politicians, nations work together on social issues.)
While none of us who committed the time and resources could have imagined just how positive the outcomes would be, only our absolute confidence in the value of such assemblies caused us to preserve in the organizing.
A similar lean to the negative appeared on the same front page when you ignored completely the 17 percent jump in the city’s revenues, while reporting (albeit inaccurately) the nine per cent increase in unforeseen expenditures (City looks to absorb $2m cost).
We think that taxpayers might want to know that the additional revenues not only cover the overruns, but stuff an extra $2 million into reserves.
Your paper’s notable shift to negativity is troubling and serves our communities poorly.
Mayor Dave MacDonald
Mayor Herb Pond
Monday’s paper features a joint declaration of sorts from both Prince Rupert Mayor Herb Pond and Port Edward Mayor Dave MacDonald, that the Daily News just doesn’t get it, or at least didn’t get it right.
The two mayors respond the to the impression left from a George T. Baker story on a recent gathering of Northwest communities that “they had little idea whether or not the process would be worth much” a negative connotation and not the only one, that they have observed from the Daily News of late.
They vent their displeasure on page four.
Letter to the Editor
Prince Rupert Daily News
Monday, November 10, 2008
Page four
To the editor,
Having just completed our third and most invigorating gathering of North Coast communities ever, we were stunned to read that we “had little idea whether or not the process would be worth much,” (Daily News, Nov 6, Politicians, nations work together on social issues.)
While none of us who committed the time and resources could have imagined just how positive the outcomes would be, only our absolute confidence in the value of such assemblies caused us to preserve in the organizing.
A similar lean to the negative appeared on the same front page when you ignored completely the 17 percent jump in the city’s revenues, while reporting (albeit inaccurately) the nine per cent increase in unforeseen expenditures (City looks to absorb $2m cost).
We think that taxpayers might want to know that the additional revenues not only cover the overruns, but stuff an extra $2 million into reserves.
Your paper’s notable shift to negativity is troubling and serves our communities poorly.
Mayor Dave MacDonald
Mayor Herb Pond
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