Thursday, May 17, 2007

First to the pump, first to your wallet Thursday, May 17 edition

Well, Petro Can wouldn't stand losing the lead for long, by 5 pm on Wednesday night the Hays Cove station had pegged the price of gas in Podunk at 124.9, this just hours after the rest of the town's stations had reached 121.9.

And there are still two days to go before the long weekend!!!!

Petro Canada 124.9
Husky 121.9
Chevron 121.9
Esso 121.9
Race Trac 121.9

According to the CCPA gas gouge calculator, at 124.9 a litre, the gas companies are making 31 cents extra cash per litre, while the 121.9 outlets are settling for only 28 cents more.

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