Monday, February 12, 2007

Podunkian Advertising Festival February 2007

We will update our shiny new toy of a feature on the blog in this location.

On our right hand blog list side, we'll keep a track of the advertising gems that we find and leave a trial of crumbs for others to view with us. Look for the heading Podunkian Advertising Festival for the archive of selected ads.

Some ads take on film like qualities, often more entertaining than the programs in which they are placed. Many find themselves becoming the thing of legend as the creators of that Apple commercial from years gone by found out. So with that in mind we'll look for some of the unique and interesting ads that we discover in our browsing.

We start of with this month of February

February 28 Esso-E-S-S-O makes your car go
February 27 Dr. Scholl's-Betcha nobody was gellin' at the stock market today
February 26 Deutsche Postbank-When your sugar daddy says spend, go spend!
February 25 The Departed-When you're facing a loaded gun what's the difference
February 24 Career Builder-When up is down
February 23 Taco Bell-Here Lizard, Lizard
February 22 iPod-It makes you wanna dance
February 21 Zazoo condoms-Daddy said No!
February 20 Molson Canadian-I am Canadian
February 19 Instant Kiwi-Do You know who I am?
February 18 Langsforsakringgar--Hey Guard, can you come here?
February 17 Knight for Council--Banish the light sabre spoil the child
February 16 O'Reillys Irish Pub--With some help from our doctor
February 15 McDonald's--Introducing Ronald
February 14 Publix--Baking a cake
February 13 Stratos--Cupid's assistant
February 12 Smirnoff--Smooth Guy
February 11 Science World--Greetings

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