Monday, January 16, 2006

He's a lumberjack and he's ok!

Stjepan Lizacic is in touch with his feminine side and doesn't like it one little bit.

Stjepan a big and strong Croatian lumberjack, recently received a transplanted kidney apparently from a young female donor. Ever since the life saving operation, Stjepan has had an unusual inkling to do the housework and as he puts it has "developed a strange passion for female jobs like ironing, sewing, washing dishes, sorting clothes in wardrobes and even knitting."

Mrs. Lizacic is ok with the new Stjepan, since previous to the transplant he would spend most of his time drinking with his buddies and none of it helping out with the household drudgery.

If he should break out in song while washing the dishes or sorting the socks, we know what song he's going to be singing!

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